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African Paris. Art premier primitif africain

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African Art on the Internet
15th Triennial Symposium on African Art, Arts Council of the African Studies Association, 2011, Wednesday, March 23 - Saturday, March 26, 2011, UCLA, Los Angeles, California
Addis Art - Ethiopian Art and Artists Page
Contemporary Ethiopian art and artists - paintings, sculptures and digital art work by students and professionals from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. University instructor, Getahun Assefa's paintings, drawings, sculpture, digital art. Also work by his brother, Tesfaye Assefa. Based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. [KF] http://www.addisart.com/
Addis Art - Nouveau Art from Ethiopia
Artists include Shiferaw Girma and Lulseged Retta. Photographs of each artist's work, a biography, and video. Founded by Mesai Haileleul. [KF] http://www.addis-art.com/
Adire African Textiles - Duncan Clarke
History, background, and photographs of adire, adinkra, kente, bogolan, Yoruba aso-oke, akwete, ewe, kuba, and nupe textiles. The symbolism of images is often provided. One can purchase textiles as well. Clarke's Ph.D. dissertation (School of Oriental and African Studies) is on Yoruba men's weaving. See also the Adire African Textiles blog. Based in London. http://www.adireafricantextiles.com/
Afewerk Tekle
"Ethiopia’s leading artist." Biography, his paintings, sculptures, mosaics, murals, art in the artist's home. Afewerk created the stained-glass windows at the entrance of Africa Hall, headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. "In 1964, he became the first winner of the Haile Selassie I prize for Fine Arts." "In 2000, he was one of the few chosen World Laureates by the council of the ABI on the occasion of the 27th International Millennium Congress on the Arts and Communication in Washington DC." He painted Kwame Nkrumah's portrait and was awarded the American Golden Academy Award and the Cambridge Order of Excellence England. Prints of his work may be purchased online. http://www.maitreafewerktekle.com/
Africa and More.com
Masks, figures, currency, weapons, trade beads, jewelry, weapons, kuba cloth, "museum quality" items. Based in Redondo Beach, Southern California. http://www.africaandmore.com
Africa Direct
Sells baskets, beads, beadwork, jewelry, carvings, weapons, metal currency, works in metal, clay, stone, masks, textiles. Includes detailed descriptions of items. The owners, based in Denver, Colorado, are wholesalers, "selling to stores and galleries as well as collectors, through eBay and our website." [KF] http://www.africadirect.com/
Africa e Mediterraneo (Roma : Istituto sindacale per la cooperazione allo sviluppo)
In Italian. A quarterly magazine about African culture and society. Has the table of contents. Topics covered: literature and theatre, music and dance, visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography), cinema, immigration. Owned by Lai-momo, a non-profit co-operative. Contact: redazione@africaemediterraneo.it [KF] http://www.africaemediterraneo.it
Africa Remix, London, U.K., 10 Feb 2005 - 9 Apr 2005
Festival of contemporary artists [Wangechi Mutu, Yinka Shonibare, Jackson Hlungwani, El Anatsui, William Kentridge and other], musicians, dancers. "the biggest exhibition of contemporary African art ever held in Europe. It includes work by over seventy artists from Algeria to Zimbabwe, as well as African artists now living in Europe and North America." http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/minisites/africaremix/index.htm
Africa Reparations Movement, ARM
Site has closed. See the Bernie Grant Archive. Grant helped establish ARM. Information on the movement to obtain reparations for the enslavement and colonisation of African people in Africa and the African Diaspora. Also to secure the return of African artefacts taken from Africa. Includes paper by Chinweizu on "Reparations and a New Global Order", speech by British Prime Minister William Gladstone in 1871 on looted Ethiopian artefacts, a discussion list, ARM Talk, and a chronology of slavery. [KF] http://the.arc.co.uk/arm/home.html
Africa Talks.org
"an online and face-to-face community of people interested in development in Africa." Topics include globalisation. Has an essay 'The Chief is Dead; Long Live the BBC: Globalization Culture and Democratization in Ghana," by Audrey Gadzekpo about the unauthorized leak by the BBC of the death of the Asantehene Otumfuo Opoku Ware, I. Also features the art work of Glenn Turner. http://www.AfricaTalks.org/
African and Asia Visual Artists Archive, AAVAA
AAVAA is a slide archive of contemporary art by artists of African and Asian descent working in the UK since the post- war period. Based at the University of East London, London. Supported by the Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) at the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College, U.K. VADS has an online guide, Creating Digital Resources for the Visual Arts: Standards & Good Practice. http://vads.ahds.ac.uk/collections/AAVAA.html
African Antiques Art Portal
Site of David Norden, art dealer based in Antwerp, Belgium. News of exhibitions, auctions, fairs, collections. Section on stolen art. Articles (such as Building a Collection). African art is sold at Norden's site, Buy African Antiques Art. Information on Who's Who in African Art, by Guy van Rijn (Archivist of the Yale University Art Gallery-van Rijn Archive of African Art, Brussels). Also see David Norden's blog - http://africanantiques.blogspot.com/ The blog has an RSS Feed: http://africanantiques.blogspot.com/atom.xml http://users.telenet.be/african-shop/ or http://www.african-antiques.co
African Antiques - Discussion List
Discussion list "for all lovers of genuine African or Oceanic Art." For collectors, dealers and scholars. "It may also be used to present objects for sale but not if these objects are on auctions (like e-bay)." Moderated list hosted by Belgian art dealer, David Norden. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AfricanAntiques/
African Art
"Tribal, ritual, ethnic, traditional African art." Narrative and photographs. Figures, fetishes, sculptures, puppets, dolls, door locks, carvings, statuary. Site by Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Head of Information & Documentation, University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel . http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/nieuwenhuysen/african-art/
African Art Contemporary Paintings by Eteli
Macaulay Eteli is a Nigerian artist, from Bayelsa State, now based in Canada. Original paintings and prints in litho or Giclee. http://www.eteliart.ca
African Art Express
Wildlife paintings and traditional African scenes by Elga Rabe. Based in Ballito Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. [KF] http://www.africanartexpress.com
African Art Products
"dedicated to promoting the work of African artists and artisans by bringing you quality products based on art created by these African artists and artisans and by telling you who they are, where they live and why they choose to become artists." Home decorative products by Ghanaian artists. Site maintained by Sjoerd Visser. Based in Geneva, Switzerland. [KF] http://www.africanartproducts.com
African Art Videos - Professor Christopher Roy
"videos, filmed in rural villages in Africa since 2001..." "These DVDs are especially useful to those who collect African art, who teach African art history or anthropology,....." Topics include - A Day in the Life of a Village in Africa; Death of an African King: The Funeral of the Omanhene of Techiman; The Beauty Competition of the Wodaabe People of Niger; African Art as Theater (masks); The Talking Drums of Techiman; Brewing Millet Beer in Africa, Countries covered - Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger. Prof. Roy is Professor of Art History, University of Iowa, Iowa City. http://www.africanartvideo.com/
African Arts Magazine (Los Angeles)
The University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA's quarterly on the arts of Africa & its diaspora. Subscription information. Has the tables of contents with photos of the covers. http://www.isop.ucla.edu/africa/africanarts/
An index to the contents of Volumes 1 through 30, (1967/68 through 1997) is on the H-Afrarts web site. Use the Search form for African Arts. The index is over 60 pages long.
African Children's Art Project
"partners with Kenyan artists, art centers and orphanages to create and fund art classes for orphan and destitute children." "purchase original, one-of-a-kind artworks from the children who participate in the program. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of art goes to the kids and their art centers." Works with the Mason Murer Fine Art, Atlanta, Georgia. http://www.africanchildrensart.org
See the Yellow Pages for profiles of contemporary artists, examples of their work, showing stages of creation for some works. Artists include Charles Kamangwana, from Zimbabwe, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, photographer and artists from South Africa, Namibia, Angola Mozambique, Kenya. Essays on art, links / descriptions for exhibits worldwide, and a Contemporary African Art map. The Green Room is a discussion forum with mailing list. Founded by Carla van Beers from the Netherlands. Based in Nairobi. [KF] http://www.africancolours.net/
African Conservancy
Sells sculpture, masks, kuba cloth. Also offers "safaris" from Lusaka. The AC's "mission is to preserve African wildlife and traditional cultures." Its founder is Corinne Waldenmayer. Based in Vista, California. http://www.africanconservancy.org/
African Contemporary
Online gallery featuring contemporary african artists (paintings, sculptures, ceramics). Profiles and works by Fanizani Akuda, Ernesto Shikhani, George Lilanga and others. Site based in Portugal. http://africancontemporary.com
African Crafts Online
Profiles of weavers, beadmakers, painters, sculptors, carvers, metal casters, tie-dye artists from Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe. Site for RUDO Craft (Rural Unity for Development Organization) - basket weavers, stone carvers and potters. Has "slide show" articles on creating glass beads, weaving, Kente cloth; lesson plans for schools. Shows artists influenced by Africa and sells crafts, books on African arts. Send African postcards.  [KF] http://www.africancrafts.com/
African Encounters
Contemporary art, mainly from Ghana. Artists include Wiz Kudowor, James Cudjoe, Ben Agbee and others. Site maintained by Kwamina Ewusie and Peter Swaniker. http://www.african-encounters.com
African Greeting Cards
Proceeds benefit the St. Louis African Chorus. http://www.africanchorus.org/African_Greetings/agpix.htm
African Loxo. Contemporary Art of Africa
In French and English. Peinture, sculpture, photographie, bijoux. Photographs are from the 1950s-60s. Has a form to obtain more information on the artists or to reserve one of the works. "produit, développé & administré par Art Entraide France (AEF)." "(en partenariat avec DIAPPO au Sénégal) fédère des artistes africains de disciplines diverses." Site based in France. http://africanloxo.com
African Odyssey InterActive - Kennnedy Center for the Performing Arts
Site for a festival in New York of music, dance, and theater from Africa and the African Diaspora.  Has interviews with artists, a directory of web sites about Dance, Music, Literary Arts/Storytelling, Theater/Performance, K-12 teaching resources. [KF] http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/aoi/artsedge.html
African Painters
Contemporary art from African artists worldwide. The majority of the artists are from West Africa especially from French speaking countries or francophone West Africa. Artist profiles and photographs, examples of work, reviews and commentary, tribute to Alexander Skunder Boghossian. Discussion forum. Founded by Joe Pollitt, based in the U.K. http://www.africanpainters.com
African Paris
The best of the African art
African Philosophy
E-journal sponsored by the International Society for African Philosophy and Studies (ISAPS) and published by Africa Resource Center, Inc. Articles include: Language, Culture, Science, Technology and Philosophy - Art and 'Art' in Africa: Conceptual Clarification, Confusion or Colonization? - Race and Racism in the Works of David Hume. http://www.africanphilosophy.com/index.htm
African Photographers (Eng.) / Photographes Africains (Fr.)
Provides background, exhibitions, publications for each photographer. From AfricArt-Afrique en Cr�ations, Paris. http://www.mediaport.net/AfricArt/Photographes/index.en.html
African Pottery Forming and Firing Techniques: A Virtual Slide Show
Slide show and paper by Christopher Roy, Professor of Art & Art History, Univ. of Iowa. Discusses the techniques of pottery making, the economics of pottery and the potter's relationship to the community. [KF] http://www.uiowa.edu/~intl/rft/pottery.html
African Voices - Paa Joe & Fantasy Coffins
Master carpenter, Paa Joe, creates designer coffins. Short video. African Voices is a site on a Rochester Institute of Technology server. http://www.rit.edu/~africa/index.shtml
In French and English. Sculptures, masks. "Here you can see my favorite pieces of african artwork that I show you with great pleasure. For some of them, experts are welcome to give me the missing information. On most other pieces I can provide interesting informations myself. I am ready to accept any exchange offers." Site of Jean-Jacques Fillinger. http://www.africart.net
Offers for sale stone scultpure from Zimbabwe. Profiles of each artists, photographs of works for sale. Does not provide a mailing address but the web site is registered to Mark Valli, Carlsbad, California. valliafcon@JUNO.COM http://www.AfricasArt.net
In English and Dutch. An artistically oriented directory to web sites and information on Africa. Features African virtual art exhibitions such as Antognoni Brunhoso (Angola), Gaba Meschac (Benin), Hama Goro (Mali), Dominic Tshabangu (South Africa). Covers Africa related events in the Netherlands, news for African artists  Has a directory of Dutch organizations focusing on Africa. Its Africans in Holland is a directory to "locate African expertise and African entrepreneurs in the Netherlands." They also design web sites. Contact: info@africaserver.nl  Based in Amsterdam. http://www.africaserver.nl
AfricaServer. African Artists in the Netherlands
Over 30 contemporary artists (Benin, Cameroon, Comores, Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda) living in the Netherlands, their c.v., examples of work. http://www.africaserver.nl/kunstcultuur/index2_uk.html
AfricaServer. Museums in The Netherlands and in Belgium
Directory of museums which have a permanent Africa collection or organize exhibitions on Africa. http://www.africaserver.nl/kunstcultuur/musea_uk.htm
"Africraft embraces emerging art forms, traditional and comtemporary fusion of craft and sculpture or it could move into the realm of interior designs." Masks, sculpture, furniture (stools, Yoruba chief's chair), from Sub-Saharan Africa. Based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. http://www.africraft.co.za
AfricShop.com (Abidjan, C�te d'Ivoire)
In English and French. Arts and crafts from Cote d'Ivoire certified by the government National Office of Arts and Crafts, the "only official organization in the Ivory Coast entiteled to deliver a guarantee and quality label." Wood work, bronzes, drums, jewelry, pottery, toys, textiles, etc. Based in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. [KF] http://www.africshop.com/
Africultures - Expositions
Features many African sculptors, painters, street artists, etc. The site for the Paris journal, Africultures, published by L'Harmattan. http://www.africultures.com/expo/expos.htm
Afrika Museum (Berg en Dal, Netherlands)
In Dutch and English. " The Afrika Museum in Berg en Dal is the only museum in the Netherlands devoted exclusively to the collection, study and exhibition of African art." The Museum shows contemporary art from Nigeria and Zimbabwe and recreates living areas for Ghana, Lesotho, Mali, Benin, Cameroun. [KF] http://www.afrikamuseum.nl/indexeng.html
Afrikanischen Kunst Wende
In German. Sells sculpture, terracotta, books. Holds auctions on EBay (Germany). Maintained by Brigitte und Hans Wende. Based in Düsseldorf, Germany. http://www.afrikana.de/
Afrique en Cr�ations
"...co-founded by the French Ministry for Overseas Development and the Ministry for the Arts, following the Afrique en Cr�ation convention held in January 1990 in Paris" which brought together over 300 artists (plastic artists, theatre directors, musicians, choreographers, photographers, writers, etc.) and African and French partners." http://www.mediaport.net/AfricArt/Entree/MenuGene.html
Includes -
a calendar of events (dance, music, theater) mainly for Europe but includes the U.S. Brazil, Macao, arranged by country
a directory of festivals outside Africa, information on past music festivals
Afrique en Scenes, net edition of the very fine print magazune, information on African theatre, dance, and music in Europe and Africa, has a calendar of events. Many articles are also in English; click on the multi-stripe British flag.
an online version of the print edition (Paris: Afrique en creations, 1996, 337 p.) of Guide du Th��tre en Afrique et dans l'Ocean Indien - a directory, by country, of theatrical groups, festivals, arts and culture organizations, venues for performances
A directory to African music in 100 CDs is a directory arranged by country, name of artists or groups, CD titles, artists (including compilations), style of music, instrument, language, type of music, and label. Includes short articles. This is a net version of the print edition which is a supp. to Afrique en scenes, No. 6 (Paris: Afrique en Creations, 1996, 60 p.).
Afro Decor
Home and office decorating accessories, mudcloths, fabric, batik paintings, pillow covers, custom decorating services, etc. Owned by Nel Hollie, based in Washington, D.C. [KF] http://afrodecor.com/
Afromart Gift Enterprises
Sells baskets, djembe drums, etc. Based in Long Beach, California. http://www.afromart.net
Agence photographique de la R�union des mus�es nationaux
In French and English. Searchable database of "more than 100,000 colour transparencies and 500,000 black-and-white negatives relating to works of art in France's national museums: paintings, sculptures, decorative arts, drawings and photographs." One can order reproductions for use in books, etc. Fees are determined by intended use. Includes images from the collection of the Mus�e des Arts d'Afrique et d'Oc�anie (Paris). Based in Paris. http://www.photo.rmn.fr/
Akan Cultural Symbols Project
Project "to utilize the pictograms and ideograms encoded in the arts of the
Akan to decode some aspects of the history, beliefs, social organizations, social relations, and other ideas of the Akan of Ghana." "The Project... comprises a World Wide Web site, 'Akan Cultural Symbols Online' a series of books and catalogues, photo exhibitions; and multi-media CD-ROMs."   A site rich in illustrations of Akan symbols used in architecture, cloth (Adinkra, Kente, Asafo Flags, etc.), cosmology, economics, knowledge, political beliefs, gold weights/jewelry, wood carvings. The project is directed by Dr. George F. Kojo Arthur with Dr. Robert Rowe, Art Dept., Marshall University, West Virginia. [KF] http://www.marshall.edu/akanart/
Akrofi, Godfred
Gallery of paintings by Godfred Akrofi, art instructor at the University of Cape Coast (Ghana). Additional paintings are on the site of the Eastern Washington University - University of Cape Coast (Ghana) USAID University Development Linkages Project Grant  page. {KF]
American Museum of Natural History. Congo Expedition, May 1909-November 1915 [Art]
"In 1909,...Herbert Lang and James Chapin set sail for the Belgian Congo....By the time they sailed home five and one-half years later, they had collected tons of precious zoological and anthropological specimens..." http://diglib1.amnh.org/
an introductory, multimedia slide show, diaries of James Chapin (mainly on Congolese birds)
photographs (villages, primates), the watercolors of James Chapin including Congo mural paintings, birds, fish, reptiles, mammels,
excerpts from "African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire," by Enid Schildkrout and Curtis A. Keim (AMNH and University of Washington Press, 1990) including their photographs of Congo musical instruments
audio (requires sound card, headset or speakers) and video clips of the Belgian Congo Records made by the "adventurer and filmmaker Armand Denis during his 1934-35 cross-Africa expedition. They were among the first recordings made of the sounds of the central Congo. The Babiara people, whose songs may be heard..... are one of the four main tribal groups who occupy the Ituri Forest." The video clip shows a traditional Mangbetu dance.
a bibliographic essay on sources by Paula Willey, specially prepared bibliographies on Congo Conservation (314 citations), Description & Travel (1218 citations), Maps & Atlases (220 citations). [KF]
AMICO, Art Museum Image Consortium
A non-profit collaboration of art-collecting institutions to enable educational use of their digital multimedia. Use the Search to see a preview. For example, searching on ibeji retrieves six photographs with date (if known) and museum owner. Request forms for reproduction rights are provided as is a form for comments on the work. AMICO members include the Art Institute of Chicago and the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. http://www.amico.org/
Ananse Village
Supports "small scale production by talented craftspeople. A portion of our profits helps provide medical care and educational opportunities to the communities we work with." Describes the making of glass beads in Krobo, Ghana. Sells beads, fantasy carved coffins, South African dolls, baskets, books, musical instruments, clothing, masks originating from Ghana, South Africa, other countries. Owners are Paajoe and Rebecca Amissah-Aidoo. Based in Fort Bragg on the Mendocino coast in Northern California. [KF] http://www.anansevillage.com
Angolan Art Gallery - Embassy of Angola, Washington, D.C.
Hosted by the web page of the Embassy of Angola, Washington, D.C. are works by contemporary Angolan artists but there is no information on the artists. http://www.angola.org/culture/gallery/index.htm
Arms into Art - Nucleo de Arte
In English, Portuguese, Dutch, and Danish. A virtual exhibition in cooperation with Nucleo de Arte, an artists' collective in Maputo, Mozambique. Members made works of art out of AK 47 machine guns, landmines, and hand weapons. Has short biographies on the 14 artists. The exhibition was part of a "successful campaign to convince civilians to hand in arms in exchange for agricultural tools and to demine the countryside." http://www.africaserver.nl/nucleo
Art and Life in Africa - University of Iowa
This site introduces a related CD-ROM project and serves as an online searchable catalog of the Univ. of Iowa's Stanley Collection of African Art. The Key Moments in Life section describes events such as infancy, childhood, initiation, marriage, religion, leadership, elderhood, death and illustrates them with art in a mini-slide show illustrating front and side views of each piece. 
The Countries Database provides basic facts. A Types of Art database describes the art of each ethnic group and basic facts about the group. 
The Peoples Database includes the Ashanti, Bamana, Baule, Bwa, Dogon, Fang, Hemba, Ibibio, Kongo, Kota, Kuba, Lobi, Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, Pende, Suku, Tabwa, Woyo, Yaka, Yoruba.
Yourba Twins: Ere Ibeji from the Collection of J. Richard Simon.
See also Seminar Papers on Yoruba Twins, Spring 2010.
Search the university's Stanley Collection of African Art which contains over 500 objects. The Project is directed by Professor of Art, Christopher Roy. [KF] http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart
Art as a Verb in Africa: The Masks of the Bwa Village of Boni
Video trailer of a film directed by Yacouba Bonde and Carol Thompson. On mask performances of the Bwa people in the village of Boni, in central Burkina Faso. Filmed at the 2005 annual mask festival. [KF]   http://www.customflix.com/207205
Art for Humanity
Promotes human rights through the production of Fine Art print portfolios, exhibitions, billboards and research projects which advocate various human rights issues in South Africa, across Africa and internationally. Sells original prints and posters on HIV AIDS and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Has images from the HIV AIDS billboard programme and other exhibitions. An NGO formerly called Artists for Human Rights, based at the Durban Institute of Technology, Durban, South Africa. http://www.afh.org.za/
"the website of ComMattersKenya Limited, a Nairobi-based arts, culture, communications and media firm......covers fine art, books, music & dance, film, video & television, fashion & beauty, puppetry, storytelling & theatre, entertainment, leisure and lifestyle in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania,..." Web magazine founded by Ogova Ondego. Articles on copyright in Kenya, homosexuality, festivals, etc. [KF] http://www.artmatters.info/
Art on the Walls of the New South Africa - Reconstruction of Space and Identity
Images of urban, public art in South Africa. The images were documented by Elisabeth Deliry-Antheaume from 1995-1998. Includes - Political & Social Comment, Children's Art, spraycan art (graffiti), Ndebele house paintings. Has a Bibliography (includes citations to A.D.A. : architecture, design, art, the Cape Town journal) and audio commentary. [KF] http://www.cama.org.za/CAMA/countries/southafr/projects/Mural/files/index.htm
Related article: Cartes d'identité. Les murs peints d'Afrique du Sud, in French (5 p. in PDF) from Mappemonde, 1999, No. 1 (Montpellier, France).
Murals in the Cities of South Africa, by Benoît ANTHEAUME. Includes bibliography. On the web site of the Association RECLUS.
School Walls, Walls as School in South Africa: An Outside View of Educational Institutions, by Élisabeth Deliry-Antheaume. 14 p. in PDF. Bibliography. On the site of the Wits Institute for Social & Economic Research.
Arte Abyssinia
In English, Italian, Amharic. Has a gallery of paintings by Abiye Melaku depicting life and landscapes of Ethiopia. Site founded by Chane Alemaw Kidane, based in Rome, Italy. [KF] http://WWW.ARTEABYSSINIA.COM
Articimo: African Art
Paintings, wall plaques, jewelry, hats. The owner is Franchesca Dove-Aryeh. Based in Accra, Ghana and the U.K. http://www.articimo.com/
Artnet Africa
Specializes in selling Shona sculpture. Has artist profiles. Site of Matthew Owen, London. U.K. http://www.artnetafrica.com
Database for teachers, from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota). Find materials by grade level. Has a database of African art images, save and annotate images, then retrieve them when you return to the web site. Share your image collection with others. [KF] http://www.artsconnected.org/artsnetmn/whatsart/kongo5.html
Arts Council of the African Studies Association, ACASA
Official site. "established in 1982 as an independent non-profit professional association affiliated with the African Studies Association (ASA)." On-line newsletter. Awards and past recipients, etc. http://www.acasaonline.org/
Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) List
"The Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) was established in 1982 as an independent non-profit professional association affiliated with the African Studies Association (ASA) in the United States. The organization exists to facilitate communication among scholars, teachers, artists, museum specialists and all others interested in the arts of Africa and the African Diaspora." http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~artsweb/welcome/acasa.html
ArtsEdNet - The Great Mosque Djenn�, Mali
History of the mosque, its current significance. Lesson plans, curriculum ideas for beginner, intermediate and advanced students, a timeline, an image gallery and diagrams. For K-12 and university teachers. From the J. Paul Getty Trust. [KF] http://www.getty.edu/artsednet/resources/Maps/Sites/Djenne/
Prints, paintings, and notecards by Peggy Van Buren, Memphis, Tennessee artist. Themes are African-American also some African and Caribbean. http://www.artsvanburen.com/arthome.htm
ArtThrob, Contemporary Art in South Africa
An electronic art magazine. Art news, exhibitions, features on artists, links to web sites, etc. http://www.artthrob.co.za/
ArtTrak - Tribal Art
Has a, members only, art auction database. "This data includes African, Precolumbian, Oceanic, and American Indian sales extending back to the 1960's." "For a charge of $300 you receive unlimited searches for 1 year." Has a directory of appraisers, galleries, conservators, framers, etc. Maintained by John Buxton in Dallas, Texas. http://www.arttrak.com/
Artworth Publications
Publishes books, exhibition catalogs by Michael Pennie on African art and West Africa, especially Ghana. Works in collaboration with the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board. Based in Melksham Wiltshire, U.K. http://www.artworth.co.uk/
[Atal] Stella Atal - African Paintings and Postcards
"Born in 1979, the third child of Kenyan and Ugandan parents, Stella Mercy Atal survived a kidnapping attempt and seven years of civil war to become one of Uganda’s most promising young artists and designers." Biography, examples of her work. The artist is based in Kampala. Web site maintained by Jan-Thomas Ölund. http://w1.901.telia.com/~u90119985/index.htm
Axis Gallery
The Manhattan gallery is the only U.S. gallery specializing in South African art. Has online exhibitions such as "Saints, Spirits, and Strangers: Masks from Malawi." Axis Gallery "represents several leading South African artists and photographers, and offers the largest selection in the United States of African art from South Africa. Axis Gallery's on-line Store stocks books, videos, CDs, and CD-ROMS on South African arts and music." http://www.axisgallery.com/
Baobab Project - Harvard University
An investigation into why certain cultures, places, and periods encouraged creativity and innovation in the arts, directed by Suzanne Preston Blier, Dept. of Fine Arts, Harvard. The Project Manager is Michael Roy. Has large graphics; it's best to access this when you have a fast connection. The web site is a glimpse of the project which includes narratives (case studies), an image and ethnographic database, and a geographic information system. The case studies are: Asante political expansion, Batimalliba two-story architecture, Islam and indigenous African cultures, Shawabtis and Nubia, Yoruba masking traditions, and Ife, an ancient Yoruba city state. [KF] http://baobab.harvard.edu/
Black Arts Quarterly (Stanford, CA)
Published by the Stanford University Committee on Black Performing Arts. Short stories, poetry, art from the Diaspora and Africa. http://www.stanford.edu/group/CBPA/#baq
Boston. Museum of Fine Arts - Africa
Slide show of its African art collection. Descriptions of each piece, zoom in, send a photograph as an e-card. African musical instruments collection. Some kente cloth. [KF] http://www.mfa.org/collections/index.asp?key=37
Bradshaw Foundation - Save the Giraffe
Project to record over 800 rock engravings including creation of a mould of rock art giraffes in the Tenere desert and the Air Mountains of Niger. Photographs of the giraffes, the Tuaregs, a report by Jean Clottes.One can purchase a limited edition cast of the two giraffes. ". All profits from sales will go to the Trust for African Rock Art to aid projects of Preservation." The Foundation is a non-profit based in Geneva. [KF] http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/giraffe/
Bridge for Africa
"a federal 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting self-sufficiency and the dignity of work in rural Africa. We partner with African artisan groups to design, create, and market unique handmade African items. The artisans are paid a living wage for their work, while additional proceeds and results 
from our fundraising efforts are reinvested in community development, training, and job creation in the region. We currently work with artisans in Namibia, South Africa, Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Ghana." Based in San Francisco, California. [KF] http://www.bridgeforafrica.org/catalog/
British Museum - Africa
The Museum holds African sculpture, textiles, graphic arts, objects from Ancient Egypt, money. Use the COMPASS database to locate African objects in these categories and others. The database comprises selections from the Museum's collections. [KF] http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/world/africa/africa.html
Brooklyn Musesum - Arts of Africa
Extensive information about the African Art Exhibition of 1923 - images, correspondence, the exhibition catalogue, press articles, Stewart Culin collecting trip reports. Based in Brooklyn, New York. [KF] http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/african_art
Brunhoso, Antognoni
Paintings by the Angolan artist from Amsterdam, Antognoni Brunhoso. One painting is based on the book about Queen Lueji by the Angolan writer Pepetela. Includes scrapbook and decorated envelopes. [KF] http://www.africaserver.nl/virtual/exhibitions/antognoni/index.html
Cameroon: Masks and Statues
"Created by the Laboratoire d'�lectronique et de traitement du Signal - Ecole nationale sup�rieure polytechnique - University of Yaounde I." Part of UNESCO's la M�moire virtuelle du Monde / Virtual Memory of the World program for the preservation of archival and library holdings world-wide. http://www.unesco.org/webworld/africa/cameroon.htm
Cameroun Plus
In French. Extensive directory on all areas of life in Cameroun. Facts, recipes, tourism, arts and culture, newspapers, universities, etc. [KF] http://www.cameroun-plus.com
Camp, Sokari Douglas - New Work
Exhibit of the sculpture of Kalabari-born artist Sokari Douglas Camp. Her work draws on the masquerades of the Kalabari and Yoruba. Includes a Quicktime movie clip for which you'll need a Quicktime viewer. [KF] http://www.sokari.co.uk/
Camp, Sokari Douglas - A Tribute to Her Father
"Employing modern sculptural techniques, she creates large, semi-abstract figurative works that are inspired by the sounds, movements and colors of Kalabari masquerades, funerals, plays, regattas and festivals." Exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art. http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/sokari/title.htm
Catherine, Norman
"a selection from the Pelmama Permanent Art Collection of important airbrush and other works by Norman Catherine which could be made available to interested institutions on long-term loan or as a part donation - 121 works in all - presented in chronological order." Presented by The Haenggi Foundation Inc., Johannesburg and Basel, Switzerland. http://www.pelmama.org/PELMAMA_NormanCatherine.htm
Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilisation (CBAAC)
Established by the Nigerian government, in Lagos, to continue the work of the 1977 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture. Program of Public lectures, Publications, Symposia, Exhibitions and Performances. Held an August 2001 symposium. Acquires materials on Black and African culture. Has a Library, Museum, Archives and Audio Visual Section. Publishes the Journal of Black and African Arts and Civilization. Will help connect penpals. http://www.cbaac.org
Ceramic Traditions of Mali - Mission Archeologique et Ethnoarcheologique Suisse en Afrique de l'Ouest.
Photos and descriptions of pottery work by women. http://archeo.unige.ch/maesao/
Chambers, Tom R.
Chambers, a photographer, was a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Zimbabwe, 1993-1995. He worked with the National Gallery (art) of Zimbabwe, run photography workshops for school leavers, and worked on a program with street children. [KF] 
Brown Univ. Postcolonial Literature site on Chambers: http://landow.stg.brown.edu/post/zimbabwe/art/chambers/aone.html
Peace Corps experience: http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/tom_chambers/index-15.html
Chiefs and Spirits Galerie, Contemporary African Art
In Dutch and English. "was the first gallery in the Netherlands exclusively dedicated to the promotion of Zimbabwean sculpture." Exhibits the work of upcoming African painters, provides a home-base to the work of the Nigerian artist, Toyin Loye. Based in The Hague, Netherlands. [KF] http://www.chiefsandspirits.nl/
Cinnicinati Art Museum. Carl Steckelmann and the Congo
Carl Steckelmann, German-born trader and head of Tomlinson & Company of Liverpool, England, during the 1880s and 1890s, "traded in rubber and other ivory commodities along the Congo River area and the Loango coast, which extended from present-day Gabon to Luanda of modern-day Angola." He acquired over 1,425 objects (ivory and wood objects, woven trays / plates, baskets). His collection was bought for the Museum in 1890. http://www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org/steckelmann/
Clip Arts & Deco
In French. "La société Clip Arts & Déco crée en 2002 est d'abord une histoire d'amitié entre deux amis congolais passionnés d'art." Paintings, sculpture. Includes a history of modern art in the Congo [DRC]. [KF] http://www.clipartdeco.com/
Condominas Eric - Ethnographie Ordinaire, Gens du Mali
In French. Portraits of Malien individuals and families. Resume and account by the photographer, based in Paris. http://www.photographie.com/talent/portfolio/condominas/portfolio/fr/index.html
Conferences, Past
3rd Biennial Art History Symposium, Savannah College of Art and Design, February 26-27, 2010 - "Africa on My Mind: Contemporary Art, Home and Abroad"
"The goal of this symposium is to encourage representation by a variety of media and scholarship regarding cultural and geographical areas in Africa and the African Diaspora." Keynote address by Simon Njami. Based in Savannah, Georgia. http://www.scad.edu/experience/events/arthsymposium/2010
14th Triennial Symposium on African Art, Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) March 28 - April 1, 2007, University of Florida, Gainesville. http://www.doce-conferences.ufl.edu/acasa/
Art as Activism and its Limits in the Post-colony. Harvard University. Committee on African Studies. April 16-17, 2008. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~afrart/
Conscience Africaine
In French and English. Cultural magazine. Interviews (such as with musician Jean Racine; artist Dédé d'Almeida), art events. Based in New York and Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. http://www.conscienceafricaine.com/
Contemporary African Art Collection, CAACART
Collection of Jean Pigozzi. Curator André Magnin. Has artist biographies, images of their works, list of their exhibitions. News reviews. Links to two exhibits - African Art Now: Masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi Collection and Arts of Africa. From traditional arts to the Jean Pigozzi contemporary collection, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco. Also images of other exhibits: "J'aime Chéri Samba", etc. See also Artnet article. http://caacart.com/
Contemporary African Art from the Harmon Foundation
Artists from Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Congo-Kinshasa, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe. Works mainly from the early to mid 1960s. Skunder Boghossian, Ben Enwonwu, Lamidi Fakeye, Malangatana, Pili Pili Mulongoya, Bruce Onobrakpeya, Gerard Sekoto, and others. Includes women artists. Photographs of images and slides sets can be ordered. History of the Foundation's African art collection. On the web site of the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland. [KF] http://www.archives.gov/research/african-art/
Coopérative des Producteurs Artisanaux de Butare, COPABU
In French. Crafts, baskets, greetings cards from Butare, Rwanda. "This cooperative exports to Italy, and it is rapidly expanding exports to other countries." Supported by the PAB (Promotion de l'Artisanat de Butare) et de la FAAB (Fédération des Associations des Artisans de Butare). http://www.chez.com/copabucat/
PAB: http://www.pab-faab.org.rw and http://www.pasud-faab.org.rw
Cornell Univeristy, Contemporary African Art Exhibit
Art work of Skunder Boghossian from Ethiopia, and Rashid Diab, Mohammed Omer Khalil, and Amir Nour from Sudan. Curated by Cornell art history faculty member, Salah M. Hassan. http://www.library.cornell.edu/africana/Library/African_Art.html
Creative Africa Network
"a virtual platform....connecting the creative world within and outside of Africa, giving visibility to the talents working in architecture, dance, design, fashion, film, fine art, literature, music, new media, performing arts and photography." Is supported by the Puma clothing company. http://creative.puma.com/us/en/category/creative-africa-network/
Cross Cultural Collaborative Inc.
"An educational non-profit that invites people to Ghana to promote cultural exchange and understanding through the arts." They believe "that interaction between African and non-African artists enriches the creativity of both groups." Artists work with Ghanaians on "collaborative projects that range from mosaic walls to documentary films." Offers workshops in ceramic furniture, pottery, mosaics, etc. (for adults and children). Based in Massachusetts.[KF] http://www.culturalcollaborative.org/
[Cross] Ed Cross Fine Art
Dealer in contemporary African art (East, Southern and West Africa). Features - Soly Cisse, Charles Sekano, Lovemore Kambudzi, Peterson Kamwathi, Jems Koko Bi, George Lilanga, Dominique Zinkpe, Richard Onyango. Artist biographies, selected works. Based in London. http://www.edcrossfineart.com/
"online information source on contemporary international artists from all fields. Find artists by name, region, country, genre (design, film, music, performing arts, visual arts, etc.). Artist profiles and their exhibitions. From the House of World Cultures and other European cultural institutions. http://www.culturebase.net/
D'Addis et d'ailleurs
In French and English. Ethiopian paintings, jewelry, stoles, household linens, carvings, lamps, religious icons, Bible stands, Coptic crosses. The owner is Nolwenn Brunel. Based in France. http://www.daddis-et-dailleurs.com
Dak'Art, La Biennale de l'Art Africain Contemporain
In French and English. "La Biennale....plac�e sous l'�gide du Ministre de la Culture de la R�publique du S�n�gal, est un �v�nement artistique international consacr� aux Arts Plastiques africains." http://www.biennaledakar.org/
In French. The musée Dapper offers "expositions, des livres d’art et de littérature, des spectacles et des concerts" for African and African diaspora events (art, music, dance). Les Éditions Dapper publishes books on African and the Diaspora. Based in Paris, France. [KF] http://www.dapper.com.fr/
Debre Hayq Ethiopian Art Gallery
In English and Amharic. On 20th Century Ethiopian Art. Links to Ethiopian art sites, Brief history of art in Ethiopia by Esseye Medhin, chronology of contemporary Ethiopian art. [KF] http://www.the3rdman.com/ethiopianart/
Detroit Institute of Arts - African Art
Attractive presentation of their African art collection - Benin kings, queen mothers, men portraying women, etc. Images require a license for reproduction, for ex. to use a low resolution image for electronic reproduction is $5.00. Has a page for the Friends of African and African-American Art.
African art: http://www.dia.org/collections/aonwc/africanart/africanart.html
Documenta 11
In English and German. Documenta is "one of the world´s best known and established exhibitions of contemporary art. It takes place every five years, in the North-Hesse town of Kassel [Germany]." Artistic director of Documenta11 was Okwui Enwezor. See also the-artists.org web site. http://www.documenta12.de/archiv/d11/data/english/index.html
[Dodo] Brian M. Dodo
Zimbabwe graphic and web designer. Has examples of his work. http://www.bmdodo.com/
Dreamers, les rêveurs du Kamer
Cameroon-based group of contemporary artists, formed in 1998 in Yaounde . Site works only in Microsoft's browser. http://dreamersreveurs.netfirms.com/
Duke University - Nka Roundtable on Contemporary African Art
Focus of the discussion is on teaching, research and publishing. http://dukeupress.typepad.com/dukeupresslog/2009/09/nka-roundtable-inaugural-post.html
École Africaine des Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme (Lome)
In French. Etablissement Inter-Etats d'Enseignement Sup�rieur. L'EAMAU d�livre un dipl�me d'Architecte - Urbaniste (DEIAU), apr�s 6 ann�es d'�tudes
sup�rieures, ouvertes aux titulaires d'un baccalaur�at. Includes report of a trip to Mali to promote the school, issues of the student journal, Esquisse, courses, etc. A directory of alumni includes their research topics. The participating countries are B�nin, Burkina Faso, Centrafrique, C�te d'Ivoire, Gabon, Niger, Togo, Cameroun. [KF] http://www.tg.refer.org/togo_ct/edu/sup/eamau/
Ekpuk, Victor
"Victor Ekpuk was born in Nigeria and received his Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) in Painting from Obafemi Awolowo University..." "Writing and graphic symbols are the main inspiration for my style." Paintings, prints. Available for sale. http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/v/victor/
El Anatsui
Ghanaian sculptor, Professor of Sculpture, Fine and Applied Arts Department, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. Based in Nigeria. 
October Gallery, London - biography, image browser, shows, bibliography. http://www.octobergallery.co.uk/microsites/anatsui/
ArtNet - biography, exhibitions, bibliography 
BBC Africa 05 Photographs - http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcafrica/africa05/anatsui1.shtml
Exhibition at the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Jan. 6 - March 4, 2007. "El Anatsui uses found objects such as metal liquor bottle wrappings and tin cans to create spectacular metal cloths..." "The works in this exhibition references broader concerns about the adverse affects of globalization, consumerism, and waste." http://hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu/exhibitions/gawu/
Eloquent Elegance; Beadwork in the Zulu Cultural Tradition
Maintained by Dr Hilgard Stanley Schoeman. Includes A brief history of the Zulu Nation, A brief history of Traditional African Bead Craft, The Zulu Beadwork Language (Technical), How to get hold of true Zulu Beadwork. There are illustrations of Traditional Necklaces, Adornment of the head, Adornment of the chest, waist and lower body, Adornment of the limbs, Items worn by Izangoma (specialists in traditional magic).  http://minotaur.marques.co.za/clients/zulu/
Emory University. Michael C. Carlos Museum
Information on the Sub-Saharan African Art collection with extensive descriptions. Emory University is in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [KF] http://carlos.emory.edu/
Emory University. Michael C. Carlos Museum. Odyssey Online
Odyssey, for young people, explores the ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and 19th - 20th century sub-Saharan Africa. Teach about Africa through its art work. Covers people, ceremony, daily life, death, communication (the nsibidi script, the drums). Puzzles, games, worksheets, teacher resource site. http://carlos.emory.edu/ODYSSEY/AFRICA/ahomepg.html
Sells custom-made coffins in the shape of fish, aeroplanes or beer bottles for $1,000, sells chests in similar shapes. Also drums, kente cloth, jewelery, musical instruments, carvings, baskets, textiles, clothing, carved boxes, barber signs, "We work in partnership with artisans and artisan's cooperatives..." Shop set up by Cordelia Salter-Nour, based in Accra, Ghana. http://eshopafrica.com/acatalog/eShopAfrica_com_Decorated_chests_7.html
Espace Fagueye
In French. "Ce site a été réalisé à l'initiative de Mame Faguèye Bâ, styliste et costumière pour la promotion, la diffusion de l'Art d'Afrique..." Features the work of painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, dancers, etc. Based in Seysses, France. [KF] http://www.espacefagueye.com
An Eternity of Forest: Paintings by Mbuti Women
Exhibit at the University of California, Berkeley Art Museum. which presents the vibrant barkcloth art of the Mbuti women of the Ituri Forest of northeastern Zaire. Music of the Mbuti has inspired contemporary Western musicians. Includes musical slide show. "Once known as pygmies they inhabit one of the worlds oldest rain forests. [KF] http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/exhibits/mbuti/
Ethnographic Arts Publications
1040 Erica Road, Mill Valley, California 94941
E-mail: eap1040@aol.com
Supplies books, auction and exhibition catalogs, and serials on Africa plus other areas. [KF]
Fela Project
"The Fela Project, founded in 1999 by Trevor Schoonmaker, is a multimedia project exploring Felas life and legacy." "Other activities of the Fela Project include a web site, concerts, documentary film, performances, and a book of essays about Fela, Fela: From West Africa to West Broadway (Palgrave Macmillan, June 2003.) http://www.felaproject.net
See also:
New Museum - Black President: The Art and Legacy of Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, July 11 - September 28, 2003 
"painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, mixed media and sound installation, video, film, computer animation, and music, 34 artists present and give tribute to the many sides of Fela Anikulapo-Kuti." Include a profile of Fela. The Museum is in New York city. See also New York Times, "Celebrating the Life and Impact of the Nigerian Music Legend Fela," July 17, 2003, B1. [KF] http://www.newmuseum.org/exhibitions/375
Fesman III, Festival Mondial des Arts Nègre, World Festival of Black Arts, 2009 February 1-21
In French. Third World Festival (the first was in 1966) whose theme is La Renaissance Africaine. A celebration of the art, music, literature, cinema, dance, theatre, architecture of Africa and the African diaspora. Free e-mail newsletter. http://www.fesman.org/
Festival de l'eau - River Festival, 12 janvier au 2 f�vrier 2000, Ouagadougou
"Le Festival de l'eau est un festival itin�rant de rencontres pluridisciplinaires entre des artistes d'origines diff�rentes. Ces artistes nomades se d�placent en pirogue et vont � la rencontre d'artistes qui vivent dans les villages au bord du fleuve. Les modes de cr�ation sont l'art �ph�m�re et l'improvisation afin de pr�server un rapport �galitaire entre les artistes." http://www.olats.org/zekri/
[Fonseca] Osvaldo da Fonseca
Contemporary art gallery of the Angolan artist. http://www.osvaldodafonseca.com.sapo.pt
Four Corners
Site does not work without Java enabled. Sells fine basketry, beadwork, painted textiles, contemporary art, household crafts. Many items are from Kwa-Zulu, Natal, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Based in Orlando, Florida. http://www.thefour-corners.com
Foutah.com Gallery
Paintings, sculpture by artists from Gabon, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, U.S. Based in Decatur, GA. [KF] http://www.foutah.com/gallery.htm
Friends of Ethnic Art - San Francisco
"founded in 1974 to provide a focus in the Bay Area for interest in the traditional arts of the Americas, Africa and Oceania. It is a non-profit, educational, open-membership organization that offers slide lectures and other programs to expand knowledge and public awareness of human expression in these traditional native arts." http://www.friendsofethnicart.org/
Frier, Gary
The work of South African artist, Gary Frier. http://www.friersart.com/
[Fry ] African Art Collection of Walter Logan Fry
In 1933 Walter Logan Fry became a Cashier with The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company's Bank of Monrovia. "During his stay in Liberia, he collected art and ethnographic objects, including Dan brass figures by Ldamie; Mende mask; silver, iron and aluminum jewelry; sword and scabbard; iron spear; cotton strip cloth; wool strip cloth with geometric weft inlay; and more." Site includes Fry's letters, photographs. Part of the The Digital Museum of Modern Art maintained by W. Logan Fry. http://www.dmoma.org/lobby/exhibitions/walter_logan_fry/
Funda��o Calouste Gulbenkian. Artafrica
In Portuguese. Covers artists from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome e Principe and those resident in South Africa. For each artist has brief biographical information, a list of exhibitions, awards, examples of the artists' work. Based in Lisbon, Portugal. http://www.artafrica.gulbenkian.pt/
Galerie Cadjona (Dakar, Senegal)
"Fine African antiquities and art in ceramic, wood, and bronze." "Babou NGett, Proprietor of Galerie Cadjona, learned the trade from his Uncle who began selling antiquities in 1945." "The Cadjona Collection is derived from Babou NGett's twenty years of travel in Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroun, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinee, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and Zaire." http://www.amatuna.com/cadjona
Galerie du Galion
In French. Gallery in Montpellier, the south of France, owned by Emile Proust. Sells sculpture, masks, cloth, pantings of Togo artist, Joseph Amédokpo, games, musical instruments, weapons, etc. http://www.galion-import.com
Galerie Ezakwantu
Central, Eastern and Southern African masks, stools, neckrests, weapons, household items, baskets, pipes. In some cases, provides previous ownership information. Hair ornaments. Adornments. Contemporary art (sculpture, telephone wire plates, woodcuts). Musical instruments. Dolls. Coco de Mer. Based in Franschhoek South Africa. [KF] http://www.ezakwantu.com/
Galerie Loango
In French. Masks, sculpture from Angola, Congo (Kinshasa and Brazzaville). Based in Strasbourg, France and Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo. http://www.galerieloango.fr/
Galerie Peter Herrmann
Contemporary and traditional African art from West and Central Africa. From a Stuttgart gallery. Includes Sokari Douglas Camp (Nigeria), Cheri Samba (Congo-Kinshasa) with photos of the artists, and others. See the artists list.  http://www.galerie-herrmann.de
Galerie Toguna
In French. "Créée en 1999, la galerie Toguna est spécialisée dans les arts anciens de l'Afrique noire. Une galerie mais aussi une maison d'Edition, qui actuellement réédite essentiellement des textes de personnalités du début XXe. Située dans le quartier des antiquaires de Toulouse, nous proposons un large éventail d'objets de toute l'Afrique Noire : masques, statuaire, armes, bijoux, ethnographie diverse ..." Owner: Pierre Brennetot. http://www.galerie-toguna.com
Galerie Walu
Selected images from present and past exhibitions (such as Ibeji twin figures of the Yoruba people, Asafo flags), Chokwe art, Akan / Komaland, publishes exhibition catalogs, an e-mail newsletter, has book suggestions/tips, news artticles (in German and English such as one published 04.05.2001 "On the return of cultural treasures." The owners, Jean and Jane David, are based in Zürich, Switzerland. http://www.galerie-walu.com/
Gallery 219
Taos, New Mexico gallery with 19th and early 20th century African art. http://www.collectorsguide.com/ts/g220.html
Gallery DeRoche. Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
Private gallery of African, pre-Columbia art in Piedmont, California, owned by Dave DeRoche. Has an online catalog, including Nigerian Treasures from the Cradle of African Art (Nok figures). http://www.GalleryDeRoche.com
Gallery ZAK. Zeitgenössische afrikanische Kunst
"Gallery of contemporary African art in Germany (1300 pieces)." Includes the work of Twins Seven Seven, Cheri Samba, George Lilanga, Alice Musarara, Kane Kwei (Ghana carved coffins), Fanizani Akuda and others. Gallery owned by Dr. Bernd Kleine-Gunk, a gynecologist who lived in Zimbabwe. [KF] http://www.galerie-zak.de
GandaSpace - GandaArt
Gallery featuring the work of Ugandan artists, David Kibuuka, James Kitamirike, Dan Sekanwagi. Artist biographies. http://www.gandaart.com
Gauteng Curios/Shona Art
Southern African soapstone and serpentine carvings, masks, musical instruments, weapons, furniture, baskets, Ndebele dolls and beadwork, malachite, verdite, etc. Items range from 5 to 50 years old. http://www.icon.co.za/~mklopper/
Gerdes, Paulus - Basketry, Geometry, and Symmetry in Africa and the Americas
Special e-book issue of the journal, Visual Mathematics. "The book deals with the geometry and symmetries of designs and patterns created by mat and basket weavers in several African and American cultures. The type of basketry discussed is twill basketry" Countries involved are Mozambique, the DRC (Congo), and Angola. Includes a bibliographpy. [KF] http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/vismath/gerdbook/gerdcontents/contents.htm
Getty Research Institute
Search their online catalog - http://opac.pub.getty.edu
Ghawaco International
Showcase for contemporary Ghanaian artists (Dr. Ablade Glover, Wisdom Kudowor (a.k.a. WIZ, Kofi Agorsor). Their works have been purchased by corporations, commissioned for public venues. Has artist biographies, sells original paintings and prints. Based in Ottawa, Canada. http://www.ghawaco.com/
Ghersi, Luciano - HyperTextile HandWeaver
Mainly in Italian, some English. Site of Italian artist Ghersi includes handweaving among the Ewe. He works with the Blakhud Research Center in Ghana. http://utenti.tripod.it/ghersi/
Goldblatt, David - Intersections
"David Goldblatt (b. 1930) lives in Johannesburg. Since 1948 he has been documenting life in South Africa through the medium of photography." - Museum Kunst Palast (Düsseldorf, Germany) 
David Goldblatt: Intersections; Asbestos; Particulars
by Sue Williamson. Review by Williamson of Goldblatt's photographic exhibition. Photos. http://www.artthrob.co.za/03oct/reviews/mstevenson2.html
Review of the book, by Matt Damsker.
Goldblatt wins 2006 Hasselblad Award. 5 p. in PDF
Article - "DAVID GOLDBLATT INTERSECTIONS" By: Arnold, Marion. Art Book, Feb2006, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p. 59-60.
Google Image Search
Page or scroll half way down the page to Image Search. A search on Olusegun Obasanjo retrieved over 100 images including cartoons and for ibeji (twin figures) retrieved c. 60 images. Pages take a while to load. Results are pretty good though it's a puzzle as to why some images are retrieved. http://www.google.com/advanced_search
Gore, Charles
Dr. Gore, researcher on the Edo Kingdom/Edo people of Benin City,  has a 40 pages bibliography on Benin including journal articles. http://www.cgore.dircon.co.uk
Grains Of Africa
Sells African masks ("Songye Kifwebe and Pwo Chokwe"), sculpture (Ibeji twins, Namji dolls and modern sculptures), contemporary paintings, Kuba cloth, drums. Based in the U.K. http://www.grainsofafrica.com
Guruve, Contemporary African Art
Specialises in contemporary stone sculpture from Zimbabwe (Richard Mteki, Nesbert Mukomberanwa, Locardia Ndandarika, Kennedy Phiri, Newman Chikuni and others). Also features painters, Charles Nkomo (from Zimbabwe) and Godfrey Banadda (from Uganda) and metalwork artist, Danisile Ncube (from Zimbabwe). Has a history of the Shona art movement. Based in London. [KF] http://www.guruve.com/
A discussion forum, web site for those interested in the study of African expressive culture. A collaboration between the H-Net: Humanities-on-Line network and the Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA). Its web site includes past discussions, recent publications. The moderators are Michael Conner of Indiana University and Raymond Silverman of Michigan State University. Patricia Thompson, Art Librarian, provides the tables of contents of art journals. The site has an index to African Arts, Vols. 1 thru 30, 1967-1998. [KF] http://h-net2.msu.edu/~artsweb/
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
(with no subject line) and only this text:
sub h-afrarts firstname lastname, institution
Hamburg Mawingu Collection. Modern Makonde Art
"a private museum digest of contemporary Makonde art from East Africa." Sculpture, masks, paintings. Site owned by Peter-Andreas Kamphausen. Features Tanzanian artist, George Lilanga. http://www.makonde-online.de
Hamill Gallery of African Art (Boston, MA)
Has "permanent displays from 20 major peoples" from West and Central Africa. Include masks, figures, artifacts, textiles (Hausa robes, Asafo flags, Yoruba, Ewe, Kuba, Ukara, Kente, etc.), jewelry, books and posters. Every three months special exhibitions highlight one ethnic group or theme (African stools, Togo art, etc.). Has examples of past exhibits from 1991 + [KF] http://www.hamillgallery.com/
Harvard University Library. Visual Information Access
VIA "is a union catalog of visual resources at Harvard and Radcliffe. It includes information about slides, photographs, objects and artifacts in the university's libraries, museums and archive." Search the database by topic. Items with a purple diamond have online images. Searching on Ibeji for example produces 26 listings some with images. Images are not limited to those only at Harvard. Has, for ex., images of items in the University of California, Los Angeles. Fowler Museum of Cultural History, Los Angeles, California. [KF] http://via.harvard.edu:748/html/VIA.htm
Hip Barbershop - Brad Weiss
Photographs, taken in 1999 and 2000, of barbershops in Arusha, Tanzania. Includes the rap scene in Arusha and a popular mural artist, Seif Bakari, known as Nevada Art. Web site of Brad Weiss, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. http://www.wm.edu/anthropology/faculty/weiss/index.html
Hodges, Ruth A. - "Kente Cloth: a Selected Bibliography" (1994)
Bibliography of books and articles. Ms. Hodges was Reference Librarian at
Howard University's, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center. http://www.founders.howard.edu/moorland-spingarn/KENTE.htm
House of Stone
Sells Shona stone sculpture, quality batiks, wire toys, to raise funds to help Zimbabwe children, particularly orphans. Supports the Highfield Community Child Care Project, Vimbainesu Children's Home, the Dominican Sisters project, Farm Orphan Support Trust, etc. [KF] http://HouseOfStone.org/
Houston Museum of Fine Arts - African Art Now: Masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi Collection
"Beginning in 1989, Swiss entrepreneur and photographer Jean Pigozzi made an extraordinary commitment to assemble a broad collection of contemporary African art,..." Includes work by Chéri Samba and two intricate hairstyles. [KF] 
Ijele: Art eJournal of the African World
Vol. 1, No. 1, March 30, 2000 + Ijele is a refereed electronic journal on "modern and contemporary art and photography, iconography, symbolism, and aesthetics of Africa and of African artists around the world." Published three times a year by Africa Resource Center. Indexed by AfricaBib.Org. http://www.ijele.com/ijele/index.htm
Ilunga, Enock
On Zambian artist Enock Ilunga. "Not confined solely to oil paintings, he also creates sculptures from scrap metal. Several of his large sculptures are visable at different locations in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia." http://www.enockilunga.com/
Indianapolis Museum of Art - Cycles. African Life Through Art
Interactive online exhibit on the themes of African ancestors, youth, leadership, adulthood. Vignettes of a Yoruba woodcarver, painting by Twins Seven Seven and more. Gallery of African art and culture which can be zoomed and rotated for more detail. Includes audio commentary (requires sound card/headset). A Teachers' Section "lists a number of disciplines in which national and state standards are addressed..." The site is a 2005 Muse Gold Award Winner (American Association of Museums). [KF] http://www.ima-art.org/cycles/
International Center of Photography. Museum - Snap Judgements: New Positions in Contemporary African Photography
Curated by Okwui Enwezor. Selected images, artists' biographies. Excerpts from the catalogue by Enwezor. Checklist of the exhibition. http://www.icp.org/site/c.dnJGKJNsFqG/b.1432339/k.9484/Snap_Judgments.htm
International Council of Museums - Handbook of Standards. Documenting African Collections
Guide prepared by mainly African museum professionals for describing and organizing museum art and natural science collections. In English and French. Sponsored by the International Council of Museums (ICON). [KF] http://www.icom.org/afridoc/
International Council of Museums, International Committee for
Documentation (ICOM)
ICOM, based in Paris, was created in 1946 and has 13,000 members in 145 countries. ICOM's International Committee for Documentation has a site, in English and French, with the email and web addresses of many African museums and galleries. There are links to non-African museums with African collections and a section African programmes of international organisations with information related to African museums such as UNESCO's World Heritage Centre. [KF] http://www.cidoc.icom.org/home.htm
International Painting Biennial of the Islamic World, First, Teheran, 4 November - 25 December 2000
The Biennial is open to all artists from Islamic countries and those of Islamic communities world-wide. Sponsored by the Islamic Republic of Iran's Academy of Art, in collaboration with Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. Has images of the entries submitted including from South Africa. [KF] http://www.Pwislam.com
Islamic Architecture
Religious and non-religious structures (residences, markets, street views), from 26 countries including Egypt, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia. Part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Rotch Library web site "Textual & Visual Resources on Islamic Architecture." [KF] http://bloom.mit.edu/agakhan/
G. I. Jones Photographic Archive of Southeastern Nigerian Art and Culture
Photographs taken in the 1930s by the late Gwilym Iwan Jones, Dept. of Social Anthropology, Cambridge Univ., on a web site produced by Southern Illinois Univ. anthropology professor, John C. McCall. Depicts the art and culture of the Ibibio, Igbo, Ijo, and Ogoni speaking poeple (Nigeria). Includes masks, household objects, shrines, musical instruments. architecture, has links to Nigeria and Igbo sites and McCall's course syllabi [KF] . http://www.siu.edu/~anthro/mccall/jones/
[Jones, Stella] Stella Jones Gallery
Works by contemporary African artists and Diaspora artists - Tayo Adenaike, El Anatsui, Georgette Baker, and others. Based in New Orleans, Louisiana. http://www.stellajones.com/
Kentridge, William
Use the artnet.com Search to locate the Kentridge site. Part of the David Krut Fine Art Gallery (London, Johannesburg). http://artnet.com or http://www.artnet.com/ArtHome/ArtistIndex.asp?AILETTER=K
Museum of Modern Art (New York City) - William Kentridge, Five Themes, February 24 - May 17, 2010 Major exhibition. http://moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2010/williamkentridge/
Kibuuka, David
David Kibuuka, from Uganda, "demonstrates his artistic genius in oils, watercolour, acrylic and pencil drawings." "All prints, giclees or serigraphs are limited edition and signed/numbered by David Kibuuka." [KF} http://www.kibuuka-prints.com/
Kibuuka.com Virtual Art Gallery
Paintings of Ugandan artist, David Kibuuka. Includes a gallery of Kibuuka's work from an exhibition at The Art Room (San Francisco, CA). http://www.kibuuka.com/
Kofa International Art
Sells stone sculptors from Zimbabwe. The owner, Sharon Gordon is based in Oakland, California. http://www.shaonkofa.com
[Krut] David Krut
Features the work of William Kentridge. Includes David Krut Publishing - the publication, distribution and sourcing of books and digital material on contemporary South African art. Send virtual postcards by South African artists. Offices in Johannesburg and New York City. http://www.davidkrut.com
Kunsthandel Hermann Sommerhage -Afrikanische Kunst
"Hermann Sommerhage, German dealer for african arts only, presents his "Piece of the Month". All pieces of high quality from allover black africa." Based in Speyer, Germany. E-mail: hsommerhage@web.de http://www.sommerhage-africa.de
Landau, Paul - "Photography and Colonial Vision"
Excerpt from a 1999 draft essay by Prof. Landau, History Dept., Yale. To be pub. in "Images and Empires: Visuality in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa," edited by Paul S. Landau and Deborah Kaspin). (H-Africa's Africa Forum #6) http://h-net2.msu.edu/~africa/africaforum/Landau.html
Lilanga, George
Site of the well-known Tanzania painter and sculptor who influenced Keith Haring. Includes a biography. His works can be bought on-line.Web site based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. http://georgelilanga.com
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Collections Online
Browse some 200 works from the African Art collection - "body adornments, masks with bright paint and raffia, small figures of wood and ivory, bronzes, beaded crowns, and stools." Especially beadwork and metalwork and images by categories - Figures, Masks, Ritual Art, Royal Arts, Utilitarian objects. Also search 150,000 library records. http://collectionsonline.lacma.org/
Lualuali, Kheto - Mozambican Painter
In Dutch, English, French and Portuguese. Lualuali lives and works in Amsterdam. "...contains 18 paintings divided in seven different phases." Has a biography of the artist. http://www.africaserver.nl/kheto/index.html
Madagascar Museum Society
Has graphics of paintings of Malagasy artist, Emile Ralambo with brief commentary. Their web site is found thru the home page of Pier Larson whose home page also includes a discography of 78 rpm Malagasy Records. http://jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu/~plarson/mms/homepage.html
Malangatana Valente Ngwenya
In Portuguese. Site about Mozambique's master artist, sculptor, poet. Biography and examples of his work. On the Mocambique page of the Centro de Informática da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. http://www.mozambique.mz/malangatana/
See also Painting life and philosophy in Mozambique, a review of the book, Malangatana, by Barbara Murray. http://www.africanreviewofbooks.com/Reviews/malangatana.html
Malawi Art and Craft
Sells batiks, carved chiefs' chairs, household crafts. Based in Doncaster, Melbourne, Australia. Contact details are on their website. http://malawiart.alphalink.com.au/
Mambele: the Guido T. Poppe Collection of African Knives
"African knives reflect the great craftsmanship of Central African blacksmiths before close contact with the West. The first explorers and early colonists in central Africa brought back a large number of local weaponry,,," Many knives are from the former Belgian Congo. You must register to see larger images of the knives. Knives were also used to indicate social rank. [KF] http://www.mambele.be/
Manie Gallery
In French and English. Traditional art from Africa, Asia, Americas. Masks, sculptures, bronzes, textiles, Bogolan cloth, Touareg jewelry, contemporary sculptures, ceramics from Algeria. The owner is Conchita Giraud. Based in Montreal, Canada. http://manigalerie.com/
Masioanoke Gallery. The Visual Arts of Lesotho: Africa's Mountain Kingdom
Art gallery established by Graham Taylor (Creative Arts Department, Machabeng College, Maseru) to "provide a showcase and market for artists living and working in Lesotho."  Has painting, sculpture, weaving, drawing, crafts, biographies of the artists, an Art History of Lesotho and links to other African Art related sites. [KF] http://www.lesoff.co.za/artline/
The Material Culture of Twins in West Africa
"The treatment of twins in West Africa is particularly unusual, possibly due to the high twin rate in this area. In the Cameroonian Grassfields twins are generally regarded as gifts from God. They are highly celebrated and respected." Includes twin myths, a history of Cameroon with bibliography, a slide show of Cameroon scenes and art work. Site by Rachael Sydenham-Ndi,an undergraduate at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada, whose honour's thesis in the Archaeology Department is on the topic of her web site. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/ndi/
Maviyane-Davies, Chaz
Zimbabwe design consultant, poster artist, filmmaker. The artist runs a design studio in Harare, the Maviyane-Project. Has a gallery of his work, biography, a video clip of his film. http://www.maviyane.co.zw/Default.htm
Mavuart - Original Paintings by Nigerian Artist, Jonathan Lessor
"His style which is characterized by heavy [impasto] as well as the different knife techniques, which today marks his identity,..." "His collections can be found at The Signature Gallery in Lagos, Abuja and London." http://www.mavuart.com
Mbad African Bead Museum
Builds and organizes "collection of beads, beadworks, textiles, sculptures and other culture relics...." Gives classes, produces "African Beads - a Coloring Book". Based in Detroit, Michigan. The owner is Olayame Dabls. http://www.mbad.org
Mbeke Arts
"Contemporary African Visionary Art" Joanna Mbeke, from a Nigerian family, now based in London creates acrylic paintings on canvas and paper. See also her MySpace page. http://www.mbekearts.com/
Mellor, Stephen P. "The Exhibition and Conservation of African Objects: Considering the Nontangible"
Full text article in the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 1, Article 2 (pp. 03 to 16). "examines the use, function, and maintenance of particular objects with nontangible significance in some African cultures. Deductive observations about these objects allow possible conclusions to be drawn regarding: (1) an African perception of magic, sacred, and power; and (2) an African perception of culturally significant objects in and out of an indigenous context. The suggestion is stressed that it is the responsibility of the conservator to remain informed about an object's nontangible attributes and to treat African objects with cultural dignity." http://aic.stanford.edu/jaic/articles/jaic31-01-002.html
Meque, Luis
A review, by Chiedza Musengezi, of an exhibition of works by the late Zimbabwe painter, Luis Meque. On the web site of l'Observatoire Leonardo des arts et des technosciences, OLATS. http://www.olats.org/africa/galerie/gal-meque.shtml
Merka Art Gallery, Contemporary African Art
Features work of Mohamed Buwe Sidi Osman, a Somalia self-taught artist who works with acrylic. Dr. Osman is also a physician at the Kent Medical Center, Washington state. http://www.osmanart.homestead.com/
In French. Cybercafe and art gallery in Dakar. Biographies of artists and examples of their work. Pages may take a while to load. http://www.metissacana.com/
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
Has a searchable database, very fine photographs. "The African component of the department's collection covers a large geographical area, from the western Sudan south and east through central and southern Africa. The works of art range from refined Afro-Portuguese ivories of the fifteenth century to formally powerful Fang reliquary figures." Photographs include a Pendant Mask, Court of Benin, Nigeria. [KF] http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/department.asp?dep=5
Metropolitan Museum of Art - Art and Oracle
Exhibition of "African artifacts created to communicate with ancestors, spirits, and gods in order to obtain insight into human quandaries. "Essay by Professor John Pemberton III, scholar of African religions, explores five regional traditions and their divination practices. He has selected the Azande, Luba and Songye, Yaka, Yoruba, and Malagasy models of divination. Extensive commentary on figures illustrated. Detailed maps showing locations of the cultures. Bibliography. [KF] http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/oracle/
Essays: Divination in Sub-Saharan Africa, by John Pemberton III; Cultural Artifacts and the Oracular Trance States of the Sangoma in South Africa by Ingo Lambrecht; Depicting the Servants of the Spirits, by Yvonne Winters; Initiation of a Pondo Diviner (Igqira), by Anitra Nettleton;
Metropolitan Museum of Art - Master Hand: Individuality and Creativity Among Yoruba Sculptors
"The Yoruba live in Nigeria and the Republic of Benin and are responsible for one of Africa's oldest and most dynamic artistic traditions. Its origins are traced to the ancient city-state of Ile-Ife, famous for exquisitely refined and naturalistic sculptural forms in terracotta and stone created before A.D. 1100." Articles on oriki (praise poetry), a Yoruba creation story; excerpts from the film Efe/Gelede Ceremonies among the Western Yoruba, by Henry John Drewal; Map. [KF] http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/YORUBA/HTM/main_fs.htm
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Timeline of Art History
The African Art section covers different regions (Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Guinea Coast, Southern Africa, Western & Central Sudan, Archaeology & Rock Art). Maps, bibliographies, timeline for the continent. Explanations of features in the works depicted. Covers pre-colonial African empires & kingdoms, Islam in Africa, Christianity in Ethiopia and the Kongo Kingdom, African leadership, women, Trade among European and African precolonial nations, etc. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/splash.htm
Mia Mali
Crafts from Mali - baskets, jewelry, placemats, bedspreads, wire toys, figures made from recycled cans, foot stools, handbags, scarves, leather boxes, bronze animals. Serves wholesale buyers. Does not deal in museum quality antiques. "Our method is to work side by side with artisans in their or our workshops while developing new products." Based in Bamako, Mali. [KF] http://www.miamali.com/
Michigan State University Museum. African Connections. Perspectives on Collecting Culture. January 21 to September 5, 1999
"African Connections" celebrates the growth of Michigan State University Museum's collection of African material culture over the last ten years." For each item illustrated provides a detailed description of the object, background on the donors, a bibliography, related internet resources, map. Includes statements by each donor along with their donations. Curated by Dr. R.A. Silverman, Art Department, MSU. http://www.museum.msu.edu/exhibitions/Virtual/afcon/
Mora Gallery
On-line gallery for Senegalese artists, painters, Mor Faye, Ba-Rah and others. Sells videos on the artists. Photos of Ba-Rah with prominent individuals. Site based in New York city. [KF] http://www.moragallery.com
Mozambican Artists - 3a Exposicao de Pintura da Casa de Mocambique
Biographical information, exhibits, awards of 7 Mozambican artists including Malangatana N'Gwenya. The text is in Portuguese.
Malangatana - http://www.portugalnet.pt/encontro/mocambiq/arte/malangat.html
Main page - http://www.portugalnet.pt/encontro/mocambiq/arte/index.html
[Muafangejo] John Muafangejo Trust
Muafangejo "is now considered among the best exponents of linocut in the twentieth century." "official web site for both the works of the International Artist John Muafangejo and that of the John Muafangejo Trust which holds worldwide copyright to his work." Has a few examples of his linocuts. Based in Oxford, U.K. http://www.johnmuafangejo.com/
Mukondeni, Arts and Crafts Gallery
Venda and Shangan art (potters, sculptures, musical instruments) with artist profiles. Based in Randburg, South Africa. http://www.mukondeni.com/
Featuares the work of the late Henry Munyaradzi, Zimbabwean Shona master stone sculptor, and of his son, Mike Munyaradzi. Biographies, background, galleries. Stone bowls and sculptures by Mike Munyaradzi can be purchased. Has a huge online catalogue of Henry Munyaradzi's work; collectors are invited to contribute to it. http://www.munyaradzi.com
Murungo Ano Penga Inc.
Sells Shona sculpture from Zimbabwe. Also metal sculpture, batik, carvings. Based in Edmonton, Canada. http://www.murungogallery.com/
Musa Heritage Gallery (Mus'Art Gallery)
"a museum with focus on the Arts and Crafts of Cameroon's Western Grassfields." The Director is Mangong Peter Musa. Carvings, sculpture, artwork from tree bark (barkcloth applique). Also collects Cameroon music. School outreach program. Works with the African Swedish Museum Nework. Based in Kumbo, Nso, NWP, Cameroon. [KF] http://www.musartgallery.info.ms
Mus�e Historique d'Abomey
In French. Includes a history of kingdoms and kings in Dahomey (Benin), their geneaology, the museum collections, a bibliography, a page on the Amazons (women warriors), the creation and history of the famous appliques cloth, a children's section. Has some great postcards to send (a nice idea for students learning French). [KF] http://epa-prema.net/abomey/index.htm
Mus�e des Arts d'Afrique et d'Oc�anie MAAO (Paris)
"A la fin de l'année 2002, les collections du musée des arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie (MAAO) ont quitté le Palais de la Porte Dorée afin d'être intégrées au futur musée du quai Branly." Now home to the Palais de la Porte Dorée Aquarium tropical which exhibits fish from Africa and other areas. Has history of the museum. http://www.musee-afriqueoceanie.fr/
Musée du Quai Branly, (Paris)
In French, English, Spanish. Museum devoted to the arts of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. A large part of the collections are from the former Musée des Arts Africains et Océaniens and the Musée de l'Homme. "for Mr. Chirac, it seems, the museum is above all a response to the new political imperative of rejecting ethnocentrism." - New York Times, June 22, 2006, "Imperialist? Moi? Not the Musée du Quai Branly". http://www.quaibranly.fr/
Musee Virtuel du Burkina Faso
Site from Burkina Faso. Has a gallery of masks. http://www.musee.bf/
Museum for African Art (New York City)
Information on their exhibitions, publications, their travel programs, etc. Includes photographs. Hosts Facing the Mask ("This specially designed website brings African masks to life with exhibition information, activities for kids and curricula lessons for teachers.") [KF] http://www.africanart.org/
Museum of the African Diaspora, MOAD (San Francisco)
Has an active program of exhibitions of African art, photography, and other events. 685 Mission Street (at Third), San Francisco, California. http://www.moadsf.org
Museum Professionals
Moderated discussion list in English and German whose main geographical emphasis is on Europe. Past messages are on the web site. http://hclist.de/museum/index1.html
Museum Security Network
Site for information on threats to the world's museums. Requires joining their mailing list to access site content. [KF] http://museum-security.org/indexa.html
[Mutu] Wangechi Mutu at The Saatchi Gallery
The art and works of Kenyan born Wangechi Mutu. "...Her work explores the contradictions of female and cultural identity." "Wangechi Mutu uses collage as a means of both physically and conceptually bringing layered depth to her work. "The Saatchi Gallery is an innovative forum for contemporary art in London." http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/wangechi_mutu.htm
Nast à Paris
Paris gallery for traditional and modern African art. Located between the Louvre Museum and the Place Vend�me. http://nastaparis.free.fr
National Museum, Bloemfontein South Africa
Has a Rock Art Department with a section on Public rock art sites of southern Africa's central interior http://www.nasmus.co.za/ROCKART/ROCKART1.HTM
National Museums of Kenya
Contents include: Joy Adamson portraits of "Peoples of Kenya", the various Galleries (mammal, fish/reptile, Lamu, ethnography, contemporary art, prehistory, botanical, family life education/family planning), information on the Kenya Museum Society, the Karen Blixen Museum. [KF] http://www.africaonline.co.ke/nmk/
Mozambican sculptor. "In 1989 and 1991 he won respectively the 3rd and 1st prize at a competition for new talents organized by Horizonte Arte e Difus�o." http://www.ndlozy.com/
Newark Museum - Power Dressing: Men's Fashion and Prestige in Africa, October 19 - January 22, 2006
Exhibit which "brings together fifty spectacular examples of male attire from across the continent, from Morocco to South Africa, representing over a century of fashion." http://www.newarkmuseum.org/powerdressing/powerdressing.html
Database of Nigerian artists, writers, musicians, dancers, comedians and other creative artists. Includes biographies, audio clips, contact information. From Rakumi Arts International, Seattle, Washington. http://www.nigeria-arts.net
Nike Centre for Art and Culture
Founded by Nigerian batik artist, Nike Davies Okundaye, the Centre, supports endangered Nigerian arts, by training textile artists, painters, sculptors, dancers and drummers. Offers workshops in indigo dying and sculpting, painting and quilting, drumming and dancing and tours for overseas visitors. Video clips from "Adire: Indigo Textiles amongst the Yoruba" by Thorolf Lipp. The Woman With the Artistic Brush: A Life History of Yoruba Batik Artist Nike Davies, is a biography of Nike by Kim Marie Vaz. Has an e-mail list. Some art work on the site may be purchased. [KF] http://www.nikeart.com
Nka, Journal of Contemporary African Art (Ithaca, New York)
Founding publisher: Okwui Enwezor. Editors: Okwui Enwezor, Salah Hassan, Olu Oguibe. Has the table of contents. http://www.asrc.cornell.edu/nka/intro.html
Nok Museum of African Arts
The "Nok Museum" is a virtual museum only with an electronic collection of works held by other museums. Find art works by country, ethnic group. Download a slide show and screensaver. Maintained by Hervé Gonay. Based in Paris, France. [KF] http://www.webzinemaker.net/africans-art/index.php3?action=page&id_art=387
Norden [David] African Shop
Sells masks, sculptures. Hosts a discussion list, African Antiques. Based in Antwerp, Belgium. http://users.pandora.be/african-shop/index.htm
Northwestern University. Communities Uniting to Confront HIV/AIDS in Africa
Exhibition of posters, dolls, pamphlets, tapestries, t-shirts used for HIV AIDS education. [KF] http://www.library.northwestern.edu/africana/aidsexhibit/index.html
Nzalamba Art Works
Paul Nzalamba is a artist working in batiks who grew up in Uganda and now lives in the Los Angeles area. On-line gallery. Prints, lithographs, notecards can be purchased. http://www.nzalamba-artworks.com/
October Gallery (London)
Represents contemporary African artists. Has Contemporary Art from West Africa - El Anatsui (from Ghana), Ablade Glover (Ghana), Emmanuel Taiwo Jegede (Nigeria), Twins Seven Seven (Nigeria), Chief Zacheus O. Oloruntoba (Nigeria), Tunde Odunlade (Nigeria). [KF] http://www.theoctobergallery.com/WestAfricaEx.htm http://www.octobergallery.co.uk/homepage.shtml
Off the Main, Contemporary Art Exposition, October 7-10, 2004, New York City
The first "art fair to exclusively showcase the paintings, sculputure, graphics and photography created by artists of African, Caribbean and Latin American ancestry." "Thirty-five exhibitors representing two hundred artists from twenty countries will participate...." Includes seminars, a benefit gala reception. http://www.artoffthemain.com
[Ogundipe] Moyo Ogundipe - Kaleidascopes
Biography, exhibitions (Mami Wata: Arts for Water Spirits in Africa and Its Diasporas and others), gallery. See also Images from Google Images. Interview on Youtube. The artist received degrees from the Univ. of Ife and the Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore. http://newkaleidoscopes.com/
L'Observatoire Leonardo des arts et des technosciences has Afrique Virtuelle, an online gallery of artists with biographies, contact information. Includes Namibian painter, Ndasuunje Joseph Shikongeni. [KF] http://www.olats.org/
Olevi Art and Culture
Wood carvings from Burundi. "We sell culturally-significant African art from lesser known cultures such as Burundi and Rwanda. We focus on art that will educate the buyer of the artist's way of life. We believe if people can learn about others, they will understand and be more tolerant towards them." The owner is Edouard S. Mutabazi, originally from Rwanda. Based in Conyers, Georgia. http://olevi.com
Origins of Art
Sells African masks, kuba cloth, furniture, etc. Has an e-mail list. Based in Boise, ID. http://www.originsofart.com/
Origomundi Gallery for Tribal African Art
In German and English. "Many of our objects belong to the collection of the famous German ethnologist Boris Kegel-Konietzko (who is our official expert as well); most items have been collected a long time ago by him or his mother Lore directly in Africa. Of course we offer data protection, cancellation policy and return privilege." The owners are Alexander Dorn & Christoph Erbslöh. Based in Hamburg, Germany. http://www.origomundi.com
Osei Tutu
Wholesaler of crafts, drums, African shakers, walking sticks. Individuals need to buy on Ebay. http://oseitutu.com/
Ouzman, Sven - "Prose has its Cons: Seeing beyond 'material culture as text'"
Abstract and full text of the paper. "comparing rock art - a visual and theoretically informed artefact - with `graffiti’ - a consummate embodiment of material culture as text." Ouzman is a former Head of the Rock Art Department, National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa (1994-2002). Presented at Seeing the past: Building knowledge of the past and present through acts of seeing, Stanford Archaeology Centre, Stanford University, 5th – 6th February 2005. Bibliography included. [KF] http://traumwerk.stanford.edu:3455/SeeingThePast/250
Ghanaian painter. Biography, artwork, exhibitions. The artist is working with Giorgio Armani on the RED project to raise funds for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The author's publications are available from Artco. http://www.owusu-ankomah.de/
Pankhurst, Richard - Ethiopian History
Many articles by Dr. Pankhurst originally published in the newspaper, Addis Tribune. Topics include Ethiopian crosses, art, manuscripts, Lalibala, the looted Aksum Obelisk, Ethiopian artists, early history of photography in Ethiopia, etc. http://www.abyssiniacybergateway.net/ethiopia/history/pankhurst.html
Passport to Paradise: Visualizing Islam in West Africa and the Mouride Diaspora
Exhibition on "the Mourides, a mystical Muslim movement originating in Senegal, West Africa." Topics, illustrated by paintings and other media, include the rise of Islam, a biography of Amadu Bamba, the Mouride work ethic, Mouride women, the Mouride global networks, the saint's tomb at Touba.
- the devotional sanctum of Serigne Faye with paintings by Assane Dione. 
- a Mouride mosque and residential complex made entirely of straw 
- followers of Sheikh Ibra Fall who are "apostles of hard work" 
A book and an educational program accompnay the exhibit organized by the Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles. 
For teachers there is a curriculum guide and online exhibition featuring biographies of the artists. http://www.fmch.ucla.edu/passporttoparadise.htm
Passport to Paradise: Sufi Arts of Senegal and Beyond
The "urban visual culture of the Mourides, a Senegalese Sufi movement centered upon the life and teachings of a local saint named Sheikh Amadou Bamba." Contemporary paintings, relief image, plaster plaque, glass painting, murals, details of the Great Mosque of Touba, murals by Papisto Boy of contemporary people (Che Guevara, Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Sankara, George Bush [No. 41], Bill Clinton, Malcolm X, Osama bin Laden, Bob Marley, Pope John Paul II). From the African Online Digital Library, a project of Michigan State University, IFAN, and WARC. [KF] http://www.aodl.org/passport.php
Power of Culture
In English and Dutch. "Culture is an essential part of development cooperation." Cultural news and articles - such as poetry festivals in Africa, Chinese cultural initiatives in Africa, Mozambique's cultural policy, African film (and 15 best films, a lost Cape Verdean music tradition, the Tsikaya project to preserve Angolan rural music, Dutch support for South African arts. Cultural Calendar, Has a section on Art and Development. Directory of Dutch fund sources, museums. [KF] http://kvc.minbuza.nl/
Q2Studio - African Art, Nigerian Art and Black Art
Contemporary art for sale, includes cartoon art, artist biographies. A free daily Nigerian cartoon. Founded by Sanya Ojikutu. http://www.q2studio.com/
Rand African Art
Sculpture, Bamileke elephant masks,etc. Images show front, side, and back views. Site owner, Rand Smith, writes "I don't own a gallery but you will see pieces of mine on eBay from time to time. I work in an engineering group for a telecommunications company in Denver." [KF] http://www.randafricanart.com/
Reece Sculpture Gallery (New York City)
Exhibits Contemporary Master Stone Sculptors from Zimbabwe including: Tapfuma Gutsa, Nicholas Mukomberanwa, Henry Munyaradzi, Gedeon Nyanhongo, Lazarus Takawira, Gladman Zinyeka and others. http://reecegalleries.com/Reece_Sculpture_Gallery.html
Revue Noire, African Contemporary Art (Paris)
Online site of the magazine. The table of contents of the magazine, in English or French, with a small sample of articles. Each issue focuses on art, photography, cinema, dance, theatre, or a geographic area. http://www.revuenoire.com/
Roy, Christopher D. - The Art of Burkina Faso
©2002. 116 p. Full text of a book by Roy, Professor of Art History, University of Iowa. Topics include: Demography, History, Mossi (Masks, Figures, Dolls, Zazaido crests), Gurunsi Masks, Bwa Masks, Bobo Masks, the Marka Dafing, Furniture, Pottery, Jewelry, Weaving, a cross-cultural comparative stylistic summary of mask styles, and a bibliography. http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart/Art%20of%20Burkina%20Faso.html
Roy, Christopher - DVDs
Roy is Professor of Art History at the University of Iowa. Available from CustomFlix. http://www.customflix.com/ Information about DVDs on -
African Masks: Burkina Faso (masks from the Mossi, Bwa, Bobo, and Nuna (Gurunsi) peoples and of a 2002 mask festival) http://www.customflix.com/204747
African Pottery Techniques (Potters are from the Asante people of Ghana and the Mossi, Bwa, and Jelli peoples of Burkina Faso) http://www.customflix.com/204744
African Weaving (on the kente weavers of the Asante and Ewe people of Ghana, weavers in Burkina Faso) http://www.customflix.com/204752
Roy, Christopher - Videos
Thirteen videos (in Quicktime) of women in the market place, pounding millet, braiding hair, getting water from a town well, Mopti blacksmiths, boys playing with an innertube, Bobo and Bwa mask dances (Burkina Faso), etc. To hear the audio, requires a sound card and speakers / or headset. Christopher Roy is Professor of Art & Art History, University of Iowa. [KF] http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Eafricart/streamingmovies/index.html
Royal Museum for Central Africa
Museum in Turvuren, Belgium. Has basic information, lists their publications. [KF] http://www.africamuseum.be/
Sadia (alias Aly K�b�)
In French. Art exhibition, "le cri d'un continent," held dec 2001 / janv 2002 at the Galerie nationale d'Art in Dakar. Interview with the artist, Sadia, photos of his work. Hosted on the site of Amadou Thiam, a former Senegalese Senator for overseas Senegalese. http://www.touba.com/ar/page_sadia/artiste.html
Saint Lawrence University - African Arts: Into the Next Millenium
"For the academic year 1999-2000 St. Lawrence University (Canton, NY) is sponsoring a program that will illuminate and celebrate....achievements in African arts." Featured lecturers are Ulli Beier, Okwui Enwezor, Chinua Achebe, and Wole Soyinka. The university gallery will exhibit textiles and the work of Ada Udechukwu. [KF] http://it.stlawu.edu/~art/aafestival/
Samba, Cheri - Congonline
In French. Article, examples of art work. "Le site Internet Congonline est une r�alisation de l'ASBL Afriqu'Info," Bruxelles. http://www.congonline.com/Peinture/cheri.htm
Samba, Cheri - Galerie Peter Herrmann
In German. Graphics of artwork, many for sale, of the Congolese artist. Includes a biography. From the Galerie Peter Herrmann, Stuttgart, Germany. http://www.galerie-herrmann.de/arts/samba/
Samba, Cheri - Lacanian Ink
Article / interview (with paintings) with Cheri Samba by Josefina Ayerza. In Lacanian Ink, a biannual print journal, published in New York City. http://www.lacan.com/frameI8.htm
San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums of
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (the de Young Museum and the Legion of Honor) have a searchable database of their collection. Retrieve images on any country from the Image Database; see the search box, bottom of the page. Click on each image several times and each time it enlarges. The De Young Museum has an African art collection and a Teachers' Guide to African Art. [KF] http://www.thinker.org/fam/thinker.html
Season South Africa
"... Season South Africa, a visual and performing arts program, is being presented by the Museum for African Art and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York that will challenge general perceptions of South African art practice and performance." Includes the exhibition, Personal Affects at the Museum for African Art, Queens, New York, September 23, 2004 - January 3, 2005. http://www.seasonsouthafrica.org/
[Seve] Robert Seve. L'Afrique de C-M BIAZIN. Films sur l'Art / Cinéma Expérimental
In French and English. Seve has promoted the work of Central African painter, Clément-Marie BIAZIN (1924-1981). Documents, photographs on Biazin and his work. Based in Paris, France. [KF] http://www.robert-seve.com/
Shonibare, Yinka
London-born artist. "paintings combine emulsion, acrylic, found objects and textiles and explore his interest in aesthetic and post-colonial issues. The textiles used in the works first became popular in West Africa after independence for being constructed as an "African" cloth." On the web site of Stephen Friedman Gallery, London. http://www.stephenfriedman.com/
The Short Century Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa, 1945-1994
"landmark exhibition exploring African culture through art, film, photography, graphics, architecture, music, literature, and theater." The Haus der Kulturen der Welt, (House of World Cultures) co-sponsored the May 18 - July 29, 2001 exhibit in Berlin. Curated by Okwui Enwezor now at the San Francisco Art Institute. http://archiv.hkw.de/deutsch/kultur/2001/tsc/shortcentury_e.html
Book for the exhibit - 
The short century : independence and liberation movements in Africa, 1945-1994 / edited by Okwui Enwezor ; with essays by Chinua Achebe ... [et al.]. (Munich ; New York : Prestel, c2001.) 496 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. Notes: Catalog of an exhibition organized by the Museum Villa Stuck, Munich.
The Short Century Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa, 1945-1994
PBS Online News Hour program about the P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center in New York exhibit. Interview with Curator, Okwui Enwezor ("the Africa of the imagination", and "the interactions between Africa and Europe during the latter half of the 20th Century; the correlation between art and politics, and the use of art as a political tool; the changing art world, and the exhibit as a history lesson.") Listen to the original broadcast (requires sound card, headset or speakers). Works from the exhibit. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june02/short_century/index.html
Silverman, Raymond A. - Ethiopia: Traditions of Creativity. 1998
Autobiographies of artists, photographs of their art work (jewelry, baskety, paintings, pottery, sorghum models, woodwork, textiles), bibliographies
The site, by Prof. Silverman, is based on an art exhibit for the 12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 1994. Has links to Ethiopian art, food, literature, language, and other sites. [KF] http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~etoc
Silverman, Raymond A. - Zerihun Yetmgeta: Ethiopian Artist
Biography of Zerihun Yetmgeta, artist's exhibit history, bibliography, an essay by Esseye Medhin, examples of the artist's work from 1965 to the present. Site completed 1 Jaunary 1999. Maintained by Dr. Raymond A. Silverman, Art Dept., Michigan State Univ.[KF] http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~zerihun/index2.html
Sithole, Lucas - South African Sculptor, 1931-1994
Site shows over 65 sculptures, mainly in wood, from private, corporate, public and museum collections around the world, of particular interest for projected museum exhibitions. Follow the >>>>>>>>>>> Has auction prices. Presented by The Haenggi Foundation Inc., Johannesburg and Basel, Switzerland. http://www.sithole.com
Skoto Gallery
"established in 1992 as a space where some of the best works by African artists can be exhibited within the context of a diverse and totalized audience. As one of the first galleries specializing in contemporary African Art in New York City, it has been instrumental in the progression of this rapidly growing field." http://www.skotogallery.com/
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art
The Museum site provides a calendar of events, the Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, annotated color photos from their exhibits accessed through a clickable map of the museum, descriptions of museum programs, staff list, the library. http://www.si.edu/nmafa/africart.htm [KF]
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - African Vision: The Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection
Collection of Paul and Ruth Tishman who sold the collection to the Walt Disney Company in 1984. "Donated to the museum in 2005, the Walt Disney-Tishman collection is known for its unique and rare works of traditional African art from throughout sub-Saharan Africa." The exhibit displayed 88 of the over 500 objects. http://africa.si.edu/exhibits/africanvision/
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - Ethiopian Icons: Faith and Science
This "exhibition focuses on the icon, an art form associated with the Ethiopian Orthodox church." "Church patrons commissioned artist-priests to create icons in the form of single panels, diptychs and triptychs to donate to the church." Includes images of crosses and details on conservation methods. Identifies and documents the materials used to paint Ethiopian icons. http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/icons/index.html
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - Gifts and Blessings. Textile Arts of Madagascar
Very attractive site. "The Malagasy exchange cloth to demonstrate ethnic identity, status and ties of mutual respect and loyalty." Background / history of cloth, photographs, artists' profiles, royalty and diplomatic gifts, role of cloth in funeral customs. Activity pages help students learn about the music, language, and geography of Madagascar. http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/malagasy/index.html
A catalog of the exhibit has been published: Gifts & blessings textile arts of Madagascar. Author: National Museum of African Art (U.S.) [Washington, D.C. : National Museum of African Art,] 2002.
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - Insights: Selected Artists from the Contemporary Collection
Exhibition Feb. 27 - Nov. 28, 2004 of works by Sokari Douglas Camp, William Kentridge, Jeremy Wafer, Zwelethu Mthethwa, Georgia Papageorge, Ezrom Legae, Iba N'Diaye, Gavin Jantjes, Sue Williamson. Bibliography (articles, books, web sites). Based in Washington, DC. [KF] http://www.nmafa.si.edu/exhibits/insights/
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - Ivory: Identification and Regulation of a Precious Material
By Stephanie Hornbeck, with contributions from Jessica Levin Martinez. Artistic and conservation issues. Many photographs. "how to identify elephant ivory and its substitutes, descriptions of the laws and regulations of its trade" Bibliography and related web sites. 10 pages in PDF. http://africa.si.edu/research/ivory.pdf
Smithsonian Institution Libraries. National Museum of African Art. Library - Warren M. Robbins Library
The Library online catalog is a great resource as; unlike most library catalogs, it includes citations to journal articles. "Modern African Art: a Basic Reading List" by Janet L. Stanley is an internet version (with extensive annotations) of a bibliography originally compiled in 1990 and is continually updated. The Museum provides a database of African art sites and holds the Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives. http://africa.si.edu/research/library.html
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - Mali Empire and Djenne Figures
Has photos of two terracotta figures, a short history, map, timeline, suggested classroom activities, readings, links to further web resources. http://www.nmafa.si.edu/educ/mali/
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of African Art - Mami Wata: Arts for Water Spirits in Africa and Its Diaspora
April 1 - July 26, 2009 exhibition produced by the Fowler Museum, UCLA. http://africa.si.edu/exhibits/mamiwata/
See also the New York Times Art Review, by Holland Carter, "'Mami Wata' From the Deep, a Diva With Many Faces" April 2, 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/03/arts/design/03wata.html
Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History - African Voices
Site for a permanent exhibit at the Museum in Washington, D.C. Attractive site featuring master sculptors (Lamidi Fakeye), an interactive timeline, society, metalworking, clay pottery and a master potter, an annotated bibliography. Uses Flash software. [KF] http://www.mnh.si.edu/africanvoices/
Social Fabric. Exploring the Kate Peck Kent Collection of West African Textiles
From the University of Denver Museum of Anthropology. Shows Adinkra and Adire Cloth and Strip Weaving from Ghana and Nigeria. Explains the different roles/functions cloth takes. Has field notes from Kate Kent (former anthropology professor), bibliographies, glossaries. Links to other African textile sites. http://www.du.edu/duma/africloth
Sothebys - African & Oceanic Art on Auction
Select Ancient & Ethnographic Art, then African & Oceanic Art. For each item includes photograph, description, provenance, where exhibited. One can purchase auction catalogs online or bid online for art works (requires username & password). http://www.sothebys.com/
Soudasworld Inc.
"Soudasworld,Inc. is a Boston, Massachusetts based Fine Art company created by West-African female artist Souda Traore Boyd. Her contemporary hybrid style (African and western) includes paintings (watercolor,oil and sand), drawings (ink,crayon and pencil) and clay sculptures."
Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) - African Art Project
Site describes the project of the Center for African and African American Studies to produce a catalog of the African art (over 900 pieces) held by the Center. Over half of the collection is from the Bertrand Collection on the art and culture of Zaire. Dr. Sara Hollis is Curator of the art collection; Dr. Terrance Lewis is electronic advisor for the web site. [KF] http://www.gnofn.org/~zaire
Sowunmi, Olumide - Invisible Mask
"In my thesis the focus is on masks of West African origin, and further exploration of the masking tradition in African culture. The objective is to view the masquerade from a postmodern perspective, and incorporate modern computer technology in preserving this ancient art form." Sowunmi uses the computer as a "medium of artistic expression, through three dimensional modeling and animation." [KF] http://www.tutu-inc.com/thesis/cover.htm
Stanford University. Cantor Center for Visual Arts
The Cantor is the home of Stanford University's African art collection. The Center Director is Thomas K. Seligman. Upcoming: August 4, 2010 – January 2, 2011, Mami Wata: Arts for Water Spirits in Africa and Its Diasporas. [KF] http://www.stanford.edu/dept/SUMA/africa.html
Stanford University. Cantor Arts Center - Art as Agency in Central Africa, Feb. 18, 2005
Site has closed. http://ccva.stanford.edu/franklinsymposium05.html
Stanford Univesity. Cantor Arts Center - Art of Being Tuareg: Sahara Nomads in a Modern World, May 30 - September 2, 2007
Exhibition and symposium (June 2, 2007). See articles on the exhibit and the work of Thomas Seligman in Stanford Magazine, May/June 2007 (includes photographs) and in Stanford Report, May 23, 2007. http://museum.stanford.edu/news_room/Tuareg.html
Stanford University - "Hair in African Art and Culture, October 4 - December 31, 2000
Site has closed. Was an exhibit at the Cantor Center for Visual Arts. The exhibit was organized by The Museum for African Art in New York and curated by Dr. Roy Sieber. http://www.stanford.edu/dept/SUMA/hairpress.html
Stanley, Janet, Modern African Art: a Basic Reading List
An annotated bibliography, with analysis and comments, on recent publications and exhibition catalogs as well as popular and scholarly periodicals. The list is continually updated. Stanley is Librarian of the National Museum of African Art (Smithsonian Institution). http://www.sil.si.edu/SILPublications/ModernAfricanArt/newmaa.cfm
[Stolhofer] Christine Stolhofer
In English and German. Austrian born sculptor in wood. Works and exhibits in Zimbabwe, Botswana and other locations. http://bushmemoryart.com
Sudan Archaeological Society in Berlin/ Die Sudan-archaologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin E.V.
Based at Humboldt-Universitat, describes their projects, has the table of contents of its bulletin, photographs of wall paintings, temples, links to other Sudan archaeology web sites, and an annotated bibliography of publications on the Sudan. http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sudan/SAG/
Sudan Artists Gallery
Showcase for painters, graphic artists, sculptors, illustrators, with biographical information, examples of their work. Maintained by Iman Shaggag. http://www.sudanartists.org
Sujaro African and World Imports
Sells masks, sculptures, textiles, beaded chairs, baskets, belts, chairs, house decor, from over 30 African countries. Provides assistance to the Biko Foundation, the Amos Trust, and the African Wildlife Foundation. The owner, Andrew Berz, has galleries in San Francisco, California and Half Moon Bay, California. [KF] http://www.sujaro.com/
Taiwo, Damola - African Paintings / Prints
Page of a Nigerian painter / graphic artist living in Chicago, Illinois. The geocities site will produce ads. http://www.geocities.com/DTEC84/DSTAFRICA2
Tamarin - Art and Africa On Line
Site, in French and English, of Tamarin Art Inc. Long Beach, New York. Exhibits include:
Kongo Arts
Zimbabwe Sculptors
Kings of Africa - Photographs of reigning African traditional rulers by Daniel Lain�, with biographies for each ruler. From the book by Lain�, Rois d'Afrique (Paris: Arthaud, 1991, 156 p.).
Fode Camara - Senegalese contemporary painter
Gallery - a selection of African art and ethnographic objects
Biographical and background information on each artist and their work and bibliographies. Some exhibition items are for sale. http://www.tamarin.com
Tanka, Emmanuel F.
Features the art and music (with audio clips) of a Cameroon artist and musician based in Vancouver, Canada. Tanka offers workshops in African Folk Music and World Jazz to schools. Plans are for an online publication with essays, reviews, etc. http://www.intergate.ca/cwjefmusic
Taxi Art Books (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Book series on contemporary South African artists (Jo Ractliffe, Samson Mudzunga, Jeremy Wafer, Santu Mofokeng), initiated by the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) and published by David Krut Publishing, Johannesburg. Each title is published with a TaXi Art Educational Supplement designed for high schools. Has artists' biographies, extracts of text and images from the books. Its Arts Resources describes the Michaelis Art Library, a specialist library within the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Library. http://www.taxiartbooks.com
Tema Tribal Art
Sells sculpture from West, Central, East Africa. Founded by the owner Ian Shaw. Based in Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. http://www.tematribalart.com
Textiles of Africa
For sale from SUJARO Gallery of African Art, San Francisco, California. From the Congo - barkcloth, Kuba cloth, Kuba skirts. From Mali - Bogolan mud cloth. http://www.textilesofafrica.com/
[Toure] Aida Toure - Paintings by Sufi poet Aida Toure
Gabonese/Malian author Aida Toure's abstract art inspired by her Sufi poetry. http://www.aidatoure.com
Tribal African Art - Olivier Silva
Web-based discussion, information on African art auctions. Part of the Yahoo Clubs. Maintained by Olivier Silva, art collector and consultant based in Tokyo. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/africantribalart
Tribal Arts (San Francisco, California)
"Online Journal of Art, Culture and History of Traditional People", the net edition of the print magazine, The World of Tribal Arts (San Francisco) which covers Africa, Oceania, the Americas and Asia. Has a calendar of exhibits in North America and Europe, reports on auction prices for African art, critical book reviews, discussion page. [KF] http://www.tribalarts.com/
"...supports tribal survival, the defense of human rights and cultural autonomy of indigenous people" Has "photographers...who want to offer their work in support of tribal survival. Reproduction of our images is available - at a minimal charge - to all those whose intent is to present positive support for cultural survival." Photos are from Ethiopia, Namibia, Niger, the Sahel. Photographers include John Watson. Has a list of "culturally sensitive tours." http://www.tribalphoto.com/
[Tshibumba Kanda Matulu] The history of Zaire as told and painted by Tshibumba Kanda Matulu in conversation with Johannes Fabian
"Several painters began to represent sequences of historical events, foremost among them Tshibumba Kanda Matulu who thought of himself as a historian and was able to realize, in 1973-74, a project he had been dreaming of: A complete History of Zaire in one hundred pictures and a narrative. From Archives of Popular Swahili, Volume 2, Issue 1 (6 November 1998) on the web site, Language and Popular Culture in Africa, an internet project set up by Johannes Fabian and Vincent de Rooij of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Amsterdam. http://www.pscw.uva.nl/lpca/aps/tshibumbaintro.html
[Turner, Glen] Africa Talks.org
"an online and face-to-face community of people interested in development in Africa." Features the art work of Glenn Turner. http://www.AfricaTalks.org/
Twiga Gallery and Design (San Francisco, CA)
"African textiles, sculptures, jewelry, pottery, paintings, furniture, antiques, accents and accessories for the home." Unique, one of a kind jewelry. Gallery, in San Francisco, owned by Twiga Mbunda. http://www.twigagallery.com
Ulonka - Barthosa Nkurumeh
Features the work (acrylics, linocuts) of Barthosa Nkurumeh an artist and art educator who "received his formal art training at the University of Nigeria, synonymous with the Uli style...." Pages with large graphics take a while to load. [KF] http://afropoets.tripod.com/ulonka
UNESCO - Histoire générale de l’Afrique
In French. Published by UNESCO. In 8 volumes, with over 300 authors. Has the table of contents. http://www.unesco.org/culture/africa/
Has full text chapters from some volumes:
From Volume Seven 
Chapitre 21 : Les arts en Afrique à l époque de la domination coloniale, by W. SOYINKA
From Volume Eight
Chapitre 19: Le développement de la littérature moderne, by A. A. MAZRUI, avec la collaboration de M. DE ANDRADE, M. A. ABDALOUI, D. P. KUNENE et J. VANSINA
Chapitre 20: Les arts et la société depuis 1935, by J. VANSINA
UNESCO. Memory of Africa
UNESCO's  presents its la M�moire virtuelle du Monde / Virtual Memory of the World program for the preservation of archival and library holdings world-wide.     http://www.unesco.org/webworld/africa/africa.htm
     Cartes Postales d'Afrique - Historical postcards from Cote d'Ivoire and Benin. http://www.unesco.org/webworld/mdm/visite/cartpafr/fr/present1.html
     Eritrea: Ancient Manuscripts - with beautiful illustrations of manuscripts. http://www.unesco.org/webworld/africa/eritree2.htm
     Cameroon: Masks and Statues - http://www.unesco.org/webworld/africa/cameroon.htm
UNESCO World Heritage Site - Kondoa Rock Art Sites
Rock shelters with a "spectacular collection of images" Dodoma Region, Tanzania. The evaluation report (19 p. in PDF) includes a history, bibliography, photographs, map. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1183
University of California, Berkeley. Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
Extensive collections from Africa and Ancient Egypt. See also the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri (papyri from Egypt). http://hearstmuseum.berkeley.edu/
University of California. Fowler Museum of Cultural History
Exhibits the arts especially of Africa, Asia, Oceania, Native and Latin America. Has fine photographs of African art and publications on African art. Past exhibits included African dolls, Yoruba beads. [KF] http://www.fmch.ucla.edu/
University of Central Oklahoma. African Art Collection (Edmond, Oklahoma)
Art objects are from Western Africa, Nigeria, and Central Africa. http://www.libarts.ucok.edu/visual/african_web/
University of Iowa Libraries. Center for Electronic Resources in African Studies
Iowa Studies in African Art: The Stanley Conferences at the University of Iowa (1985) - Has full text of the Introduction by Christopher Roy and the keynote address by Arnold Rubin, "Artists and Workshops in Northeastern Nigeria"
Iron, Master of Them All (1993) by William J. Dewey and Allen F. Roberts
Baobab: A Publication Dedicated to the Study of African Expressive Culture (1997). [KF] http://sdrc.lib.uiowa.edu/african-studies/
University of Kansas. Virtual Tour of the African Collection
"produced by beginning students of African art history at the University of Kansas...represents their term projects for....courses on African art history conducted by Gitti Salami." "photographs of African artworks, surround views of them, condition reports, detailed descriptions, contextual information, donor information, geographic maps, sound samples, video clips and field research photographs" Rotate objects left or right, zoom in. http://www.arcc.ku.edu/website%20homepage.html
University of Nigeria, Nsukka Art School
The Nsukka Art School is in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts. http://www.nsukkaartschool.info/
University of Virginia, Bayly Art Museum, African Art Exhibit
African Art: Aesthetics and Meaning, An Electronic Exhibition Catalog includes graphics of West African and Tanzania masks, headdresses, statuettes, etc. Includes chi-wara headdresses, ibeji twin figures. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/clemons/RMC/exhib/93.ray.aa/African.html
Venice Biennale
In Italian and English. In 2007 Malick Sidibé (Mali, 1936) was awarded the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 52nd International Art Exhibition, he will be "the first African artist so honored." http://www.labiennale.org
The 2007 biennale has an African Pavilion - Check List Luanda Pop, featuring the Sindika Dokolo African Collection of Contemporary Art. Articles from Artnet News (New York), May 18, 2007 and Feb. 23, 2007.
Ventura, Dr. Carol, Associate Professor of Art
Photographs and information on African crafts and literature in Cameroon, bronze casting, batik, bark pictures, masks, beadwork, wood carving, the African Arts/Handicraft and Environmental Management Institute Museum in Cameroon. Dr. Ventura teaches at Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville,Tennessee. http://iweb.tntech.edu/cventura/
Visona, Monica Blackmun, et. al. - History of Art in Africa
Authors are Monica Blackmun Visona, Robin Poynor, Herbert M. Cole, Michael D. Harris, Rowland Abiodun, and Suzanne Peterson Blier. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001. 544 p. Examination copies available. There is an Instructor's Manual. Book sponsored by the Arts Council of the African Studies Association (U.S.) [KF] http://vig.prenhall.com/
Virtual Museum of Contemporary African Art
Paintings, sculpture, experimental films, articles, bulletin board, directory of African art web sites. Home of the online Review of African Contemporary Art. The Review contains exhibit news, a who's who in the Netherlands in contemporary African art, art news. Site from the AfricaServer Foundation, Amsterdam, Director - Fons Geerlings. http://www.vmcaa.com
Visual Arts of Zimbabwe
Features architecture (Great Zimbabwe, colonial era), sculpture, rock paintings, contemporary paintings. http://landow.stg.brown.edu/post/zimbabwe/art/zartov.html
Sculpture in Zimbabwe
Has a "History of Contemporary Stone Sculpture in Zimbabwe" by George P. Landow, Professor of English and Art History, Brown University, plus biographies and photographs of the artists and their work.
Part of the Literature and Culture of Zimbabwe site, which is part of the Contemporary Postcolonial & Postimperial Literature in English site maintained by George P. Landow, Professor of English and Art History, Brown University.
Wahlman, Dr. Maude Southwell
Dr. Wahlman, the Dorothy and Dale Thompson/Missouri Endowed Professor of Global Arts, Department of Art and Art History, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO has a site with her syllabus, exhibits of African beadwork, African charms, African art from many areas
West African Museums Program, WAMP
In English and French. Promotes / develops West African museums and cultural institutions. Publishes monographs, the WAMP Bulletin. Has a directory of museums in West Africa (see under Partners), links to Africa-related museum sites. Based in Dakar, Senegal. http://www.wamponline.org/
West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
High quality adinkra symbols with their meanings. Larger versions of the symbols can be supplied on request. Includes adinkra Valentine cards, an annotated list of books (plus books for children) and adinkra related sites. Created by Jean MacDonald of Well-Tempered Web Design in Portland, Oregon, a volunteer to Ghana with Geekcorps. http://www.welltempered.net/adinkra
Witcombe, Chris - Gateway to Art History
Links to African art sites by Professor Witcombe, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College (Virginia, USA). Includes a link to Prof. Lisa Aronson's (Skidmore College) African art history site. http://www.harbrace.com/art/gardner/NonEuro.html#Africa
Women Warriors: Cultural Guardians of the Ndebele
Photographs of Ndebele women, their mural paintings, beadwork, etc. On the site of Home Girl, Inc. created by Adrienne Hoard. Based in Jefferson City, Missouri. http://www.homegirlinc.com/women-warriors.html
World Monuments Fund
Has lists of Endangered Sites including "imperiled cultural heritage sites" in Africa. Has a few field projects in Africa but most are in Europe. Has given grants to some African sites. Nominate a site. Based in New York City. http://www.worldmonuments.org/
World Cup 2010 South Africa - Art
World Cup 2010 Official Art Poster Edition - Limited edition set of 17 prints by artists. Signed and numbered prints can be purchased individually or in a set. A set is Euro 2490 (c. $3,000 plus). Artists: William Kentridge, Charles Fazzino, Hassan Musa, Cameron Platter, Barth�l�my Toguo, Isolde Krams, Marlene Dumas, Kay Hassan, Soly Ciss�, Peter Eastman, Romero Britto, Lilanga Art, Kendell Geers, Robert Slingsby, Zhong Biao, Yamaguchi Akira, Julie Mehretu. http://brandsunitedug.sport.officelive.com/ 
2010 FineArt - 160 artists world wide. "a visual celebration of the world's most-watched sporting event.... It is the first time in the 80-year history of the FIFA World Cup� that fine art on this scale has been recognised as Official Licensed Products by FIFA" http://www.2010fineart.com/
ESPN 2010 FIFA World Cup Murals
Page One, Page Two. 33 murals by South African artists from the Am I Collective studio, one for each team and one overall World Cup mural. THe posters are in the style of Ghanaian movie posters from the 1980s. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=178678&id=161531382040&page=2
Also Vanity Fair article, May 16, 2010, article May 24, 2010 by Herman Manson on Marklives.com, and on Worldcupbuzz.com.
World Festival of Black Arts and Cultures - Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres, December 10-31, 2010, Dakar, Senegal
In English, French, Portuguese. Third World Festival. The first World Festival was held in Dakar in 1966. The second Festival was held in 1977 in Nigeria. Sponsored by the African Union. History & video. Brazil is the guest of honour. http://blackworldfestival.com/
[Wosene] Kosrof, Wosene Worke
Ethiopian painter based in Berkeley, California. Biography. Bibliography. Exhibitions. http://www.wosene.com/
Spirits in Stone (Glen Ellen, California) - Some of the paintings shown may be purchased. http://spiritsinstone.com/wosene/
Words: from Spoken to Seen - The Art of Wosene Worke Kosrof. Curated by Dr. Bárbaro Martínez-Ruiz and Dr. Allyson Purpurya. Location: Mexican Heritage Plaza, San Jose, California. Exhibition Dates: April 21 - June 30 2006. http://www.mhcviva.org/events/detail/2006-04-21-wosene.html
Wube, Ezra - Ethiopian Artist
Wube's paintings reflect Ethiopia's traditions. The Ethiopian Story Collection Project will collect folklore throughout Ethiopia (see the video clip) and present selected stories in multimedia shorts. [KF] http://www.ezraart.net/
Yale University. Art Gallery - African Collection
Photographs of the collection. History of the collection. Interview with Curator Frederick Lamp. http://artgallery.yale.edu/pages/collection/permanent/pc_african.html
Yoruba Art and Akan Goldweights, Cutting to the Essence, Shaping for the Fire
On-line catalog of an exhibit of Yoruba art and Akan goldweights held at the Lakeview Museum, Peoria, Illinois in 1994. Includes an essay and bibliography.
Yoruba Potters: Mothers and Daughters
One page on a video by Ron Du Bois, on women pottery artists, showing the "entire process from working the clay to the dramatic "open field" firing of more than 1,000 pots, including koko amu - huge, perfectly symmetrical water vessels made without a potter's wheel. The women and girls, ages 5 to 65, work at their profession from dawn to dusk, year-round." http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/dubois/
Zerihun Yetmgeta
Ethiopian painter. Biography, photographs of his paintings, bibliography of articles / books, essay (Zerihun Yetmgeta: An Ethiopian Modernist by Esseye Medhin.) Site by Raymond A. Silverman. http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~zerihun/.

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Collection Armand Auxietre
Art primitif, Art premier, Art africain, African Art Gallery, Tribal Art Gallery
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